Aloe Vera products and diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever tried any aloe vera products in relation to their diabetes. I have a friend involved with a company called Forever Living Products and he is trying to encourage me to try their products after giving me a "testimonial" from a type one's experience. I'm inclined to think it's a load of old rubbish but can anyone tell me differently?
I found this place flutter and also a few more and they all mention non insulin type diabetic..

Thanks Steffie, just looked at the link. I was fully expecting this "testimonial" to turn out to be type 2 but it's the mother of a type one lad saying how great the stuff is! The thing is though she says he was diagnosed age 10 and they couldn't stabilise his levels although they tried for "a long time" I've been thinking that maybe those first few years would be when he was going through puberty etc and it could be and probably is entirely coincidental that he started this "drink" at a time when he was going to stabilise anyway. It makes me a bit cross to be honest because someone is obviously making money from this and we all have enough hassle to contend with without someone saying "drink this, it will solve all your problems" if only...........
I have never thought of using any kind of aloe vera in connection with diabetes, but they are good products.

If you have an aloe vera plant and get a small burn, I'm told if you break a bit off the plant and rub it over the burn, it eases the pain. Never needed to try it myself.
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I think Aloe contains natural antiseptics and maybe some other skin healing chemicals.

I would be very very dubious of any other medical claims for it, especially with connection to diabetes.

The number of diabetics, especially in the US where most alternative products are aimed, is huge, so the potential for making money is too good to resist. Having said that, it may do no harm, providing you continue to use your existing medication.

Just my opinion of course, but I am also very annoyed at products aimed at afflicted people with no proper scientific basis.

Thanks everyone, I don't think I'm going to waste my money on this stuff, I can understand it for things like eczema but not specifically to improve diabetic control. Just hope my friend stops going on about it once I say I'm not interested, don't want to offend him but when someone keeps droning on about the same thing you really want to tell them to shut up!!
Thanks everyone, I don't think I'm going to waste my money on this stuff, I can understand it for things like eczema but not specifically to improve diabetic control. Just hope my friend stops going on about it once I say I'm not interested, don't want to offend him but when someone keeps droning on about the same thing you really want to tell them to shut up!!

FLUTTERBY, I have actually tried the Forever Living aloe vera drink as I was told it would help me feel more energetic. My daughter-in-law is an agent for Forever Living and swears by their products. She uses their creams which have definitely helped her eczema. I wasn't told it could do anything to help my diabetic control which is a good job, because it didn't. It didn't make me feel more energetic either!!! At around ?18 a bottle, I think I was ripped off 🙄.


Andrea - thanks so much! I think you were ripped off too. I'm seeing my friend tomorrow so I will thank him for his concern but be firm and say no. Sorry it didn't make you feel more energetic either, could be a best seller if it did!
I can think of many things I'd rather spend ?18 on than a bottle of juice 🙂
Eg bottles of wine or beer / orienteering race entries / batteries for digital camera or GPS or head torches for night cycling and running / maps etc.

I agree with Flutterby's analysis of the testimonial from a T1D's mother - probably just coincidence, that better control came with ending of adolescence, at same time as taking aloe vera juice. Always worth considering the bigger picture of a person's life when considering any health changes.
Yep I too was ripped off by forever living - was sold it by an old PT (not my current one who is great), for weight loss. It tasted disgusting - couldn't pick myself up off the sofa after 3 days as this was all I was allowed, told the PT I had lost 7lbs in 3 days but felt dreadful - next thing I know was a poster up with testimonial saying how fabulous it was as one member had lost 7lbs in 3 days!! I was furious and complained to gym manager. Anyone not eating for 3 days and drink vile stuff would lose weight.
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