Almost 10,000 EU health workers have quit NHS since Brexit vote

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Type 1
Around 10,000 EU nationals have quit the NHS since the Brexit referendum, it has emerged.

NHS Digital, the agency that collects data on the health service, found that in the 12 months to June, 9,832 EU doctors, nurses and support staff had left, with more believed to have followed in the past three months.

This is an increase of 22% on the previous year and up 42% on two years previously. Among those from the EU who left the NHS between June 2016 and June 2017 were 3,885 nurses and 1,794 doctors.

This is the first time anecdotal evidence of Brexit fallout for the NHS has been quantified. The staff losses will intensify the recruitment problems of the NHS, which is struggling to retain nurses and doctors.

The British Medical Association said the findings mirrored its own research, which found that four in 10 EU doctors were considering leaving, with a further 25% unsure about what to do since the referendum.

😱 :(
I hope all the just over a third of the electorate who voted to leave are chuffed that the NHS is about to collapse. It's the democratic will of the British people, apparently, along with increasing food prices and a weak pound. Congratulations.
Talk about shooting one's self in the foot, my nephew's Finnish partner isn't allowed any benefits now, not even the baby! 😱 Luckily, he's just found a job but things are tight.

I did vote leave but then son cancelled me out by voting remain, so I feel a tad less guilty. Can't we all just say enough is enough, we didn't know what we were doing, we've changed our minds? Just leave it as it is? 🙄
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