Allergic to Novorapid

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
At the end of last week my injection sites started itching. By Saturday my legs were driving me mad and I had little lumps that looked like insect bites. So over the weekend I abandoned my legs to give them a break and got my husband to inject in my bum. So now my legs still itch and my bum is starting to as well. Good job I can laugh about it.

This morning I had the diabetes clinic, so I mentioned all this. They took a good look at my legs and bum (which was fun) and agreed with what I'd already silently decided - I'm allergic to something in Novorapid. So they've changed me to Humalog (which I'm not such a fan of - the pen's nasty). Hopefully this'll sort it all out and I can stop itching.

I was also annoyed that the large city centre branch of Boots didn't have any calamine lotion to help with said itching. Thank goodness for husbands willing to go above and beyond the call of duty and trek round chemists as well as injecting my bum for me.

While I'm whinging, is there anywhere worse on earth than (large central city) hospital pharmacies? Seriously, I spent an hour waiting for one box of insulin, watching patients who looked to be on their last legs smoking in the no smoking area and waiting for someone in the waiting room to keel over.

Whinging aside, this all does rather amuse me. It has to really, otherwise I'd be in the corner crying :rolleyes:
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hope you have more luck with the humalog. Are you using the disposable pen or the re-fillable one? I thought that one didn't look too bad.

I wouldn't ever wait for hospital pharmacy- I'd go back next day if I could.

Was novorapid a new insulin for you?
The refillable one. It just feels very flimsy after the Novopen, the dial is a lot less definite and it feels a bit showy I suppose. Having said that, it is much easier to press the button, which might help with bruises. It's not what I'm used to, that's what it comes down to!

I think next time I'm faced with a hospital pharmacy I'll go somewhere else for the hour. It's a bit of a detour to go back the next day, and they usually send me there cos I need something straight away.

I'd been on Novorapid for almost a month... I'm hoping Humalog doesn't go the same way.
I've been on humalog for the last year and had no problems with it. But I agree with your dislike of the pen, it's so big and flashy, not quite my style. Didn't know that they do disposable pens, seems a bit wasteful. Hope you will get on with alright.
Coldclarity - How long have you been on Novarapid to become allergic to it?

Sorry just read the thread again you were on it for a month.

Anyone - Is this something that happens to many people?

Hope it all works out.
After a couple of months on Humulin S and I I developed itchy lumps around injection sites on my stomach that stayed for days. They became so sore that I had to switch to injecting into my legs until the same thing happened. My DSN and I decided to change insulin to see if there was some component in the humulin that was causing it but the problem didn't go away. We eventually decided that there may be some kind of skin sensitivity issue and cured the problem by changing from the short 5mm needles to the longer 8mm ones. Since I changed needles things have been much better and I don't get the itchy lumps. I was a bit apprehensive about using the longer needles at first, but as my DSN pointed out I was "unlikely to hit anything important" and now much prefer them to the short ones.
The refillable one. It just feels very flimsy after the Novopen, the dial is a lot less definite and it feels a bit showy I suppose. Having said that, it is much easier to press the button, which might help with bruises. It's not what I'm used to, that's what it comes down to!

I think next time I'm faced with a hospital pharmacy I'll go somewhere else for the hour. It's a bit of a detour to go back the next day, and they usually send me there cos I need something straight away.

I'd been on Novorapid for almost a month... I'm hoping Humalog doesn't go the same way.

Is it a luxura pen? This is what i have , but i havent tried a different one so i find it ok. :D
While I'm whinging, is there anywhere worse on earth than (large central city) hospital pharmacies? Seriously, I spent an hour waiting for one box of insulin, watching patients who looked to be on their last legs smoking in the no smoking area and waiting for someone in the waiting room to keel over.

I had to go the the hospital pharmacy the other day. The hospital I go to have spent millions on doing a wonderful childrens department which is lovely. But it would be nice if they spent just a few quid on some paint for some of the adult sections. It sounds silly and superficial but if you are ill you are feeling low anyway, and it isn't nice to be somewhere that looks so depressing.

The wait wasn't too bad though, only 20 minutes. But they weren't too helpful, they didnt explain the system. They were very grumpy and monosyllabic. And one man was standing next to the sign asking people to switch off their phones, chatting away on his mobile.
Well I'm getting on with it ok so far. I still have the lumps, which got bigger as the week went on. I think a lot of the problem is me itching them in the night, so I've been sleeping with dressings on them which has helped. It's hard to tell if there are new lumps though... Time will tell.

Matts - that's really interesting about needle length. If the problem carries on I'll definitely mention that when I see them next Tuesday.

Tracey - yep it's a Luxura pen. I am getting used to it. I like it a lot more now I've ditched the case - it was really annoying to have no room for needled etc.

Thanks everyone - it really helps to talk to people who understand :)
Last time I asked for a new pen, to replace a broken one, I was issued with a Luxura, a heavy metal based pen in a case with no space for anything else - not like the previous Humalog / Humalin plastic pens I had, which had been withdrawn without my knowledge - if I'd known, I'd have got a couple earlier to keep. So, I phoned Eli Lily to ask what were the alternatives, and they helpfully suggested an Autopen, as another plastic pen. I got one, but it has a quick release trigger, which I don't like so much. I use the Luxura as my kitchen pen, where weight and bulk don't matter. Anyway, definitely worth phoning / emailing suppliers to get the right kit - and epxress discontent with "improvements"
Not a fan of the Autopen myself....find the margin of error too annoying. If you accidently crank it up one unit over then you have to discharge the pen and waste it (otherwise its good!). Wish there was something else though.
Well I'm getting on with it ok so far. I still have the lumps, which got bigger as the week went on. I think a lot of the problem is me itching them in the night, so I've been sleeping with dressings on them which has helped. It's hard to tell if there are new lumps though... Time will tell.

Matts - that's really interesting about needle length. If the problem carries on I'll definitely mention that when I see them next Tuesday.

Tracey - yep it's a Luxura pen. I am getting used to it. I like it a lot more now I've ditched the case - it was really annoying to have no room for needled etc.

Thanks everyone - it really helps to talk to people who understand :)

i think im a BIT SAD but i keep mine in the case and take it everywhere, :D i would feel like i may damage the pen just rolling around in my bag. I find the case useful as i always carry 2 needles in it too, one to use while out and one spare.
There's too much choice!

I've got it stashed in a slim pencil case, with needles and my needle clipper and the pot I put sharps in when I'm out and about. I couldn't get a needle to fit in the original case :confused:
There's too much choice!

I've got it stashed in a slim pencil case, with needles and my needle clipper and the pot I put sharps in when I'm out and about. I couldn't get a needle to fit in the original case :confused:

Oh, sounds like you take more out than i do :p

I put my used needle in the case until i get home to dispose of it, havent got one of those clippy things?
A bit sad! no wait to you hear this...

I tend to take a fair supply with me wherever I go, then I know I'm good wherever I end up!

I take both pens (levermir& novorapid) testing kit , with 8 needles, 10 lancets, and 15 strips.

I went looking for a nice vessel to carry everything in (Wife's handbag isn't always an option!) So i looked hard and found at blacks a "Lifeventure" chest pouch document thing strong material 1 pocket is "watertight" 2 others one right size for pens, the other smaller for needles etc, so I can put it over my neck like a sad tourist or over my shoulder. Well it's not for the catwalk but does me fine!
A bit sad! no wait to you hear this...

I tend to take a fair supply with me wherever I go, then I know I'm good wherever I end up!

I take both pens (levermir& novorapid) testing kit , with 8 needles, 10 lancets, and 15 strips.

I went looking for a nice vessel to carry everything in (Wife's handbag isn't always an option!) So i looked hard and found at blacks a "Lifeventure" chest pouch document thing strong material 1 pocket is "watertight" 2 others one right size for pens, the other smaller for needles etc, so I can put it over my neck like a sad tourist or over my shoulder. Well it's not for the catwalk but does me fine!

Christ! Someone out there worse then me???!
My boyfriend is an ambulance paramedic, quite often likes to jibb me about the amount I like to carry around and the frequent change of make up bags I use, "Should I just bring the bloody ambulance to the pub"?!:D Cheeky.
Not a fan of the Autopen myself....find the margin of error too annoying. If you accidently crank it up one unit over then you have to discharge the pen and waste it (otherwise its good!). Wish there was something else though.

this annoyed me until i realised that if you hold the dose setting thing and then get rid of some insulin you can get away with losing just a few units
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