allergic reaction

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post.
I was diagnosed Type 1 in January.
I found my first 6 months difficult, but things have started to settle down a bit. However, I still keep getting little 'blips' that I'm not too sure what to do with or who to talk too. My most recent 'blip' is my DSN thinks I may be developing an allergic reaction to either insulin or needles. I wondered if anyone else has had this? I get raised, itchy lumps after injecting. It seems to come and go though and some are worse than others.
I hope its not a silly question, but just wondered if anyone could give me advice/support.
welcome ben..........

I have heard of reaction to insulin, namely levemir background insulin and I have ecperienced similar reactions you are describing.......i changed insulins now............

what insulins are you on?
Welcome Ben.
Not a silly question at all. It could also be a reaction to length of needle - need to inject insulin into subcuneous fat (not too shallow into skin, nor too deep into muscle). Easiest way is to insert whole length of needle into body and then depress plunger. However, if needles is too long, can insert just part of th way. Needles are available in a range of lengths, from about 4mm to about 10mm, so worth discussing options with your DSN. Also, different depths of insertion may be appropriate for different sites (abdomen / thigh / buttocks / upper arms) and different techniques (pinching up or leaving skin flat; angle of inserting needle [90o to 45o])
As you're recently diagnosed, another potential cause of "blips" is the so-called honeymoon period - as time goes on, you will probably need to increase insulin doses, as your pancreas production of insulin declines. Another thing to ask your DSN about, I reckon.
Hi Thanks for you quick posts.

I'm on novorapid and lantus and the needles I use are 5mm.
I only seem to get a reaction on the novorapid though - I've not noticed it with my lantus.
I've never had my injection site or technique checked. Do you think I should?
And Yes, I think I'm still on my 'honeymoon' and am on quite a low dosage. Do you think this may have something to do with it?
Thanks again, much appreciated
Hi, welcome to the forum 🙂 I used to get a little lump and/or soreness after injecting - still do occasionally but it never really bothers me and the lump goes after a short while. How much flesh do you have on your bones? I ask because I was very skinny after diagnosis and for about a year afterwards, and I used to get a lot of bruising at the injection sites. This happens very rarely now I have plumped up a bit! Definitely worth discussing needle length and technique with your nurse in case you have developed any 'bad habits' without realising it.
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