All gone a bit pear shaped.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I am feeling very disheartened at the moment. My first 3 weeks of pumping were pretty good, better than I had expected but the last week has been awful. I have had a lot of readings in the 20s and hardly any in single figures. My average blood sugar reading for the last 7 days is up to 13.4 😡

I have had a lot of readings in the 20s and hardly any in single figures. I do not feel like I am getting ill, I have no idea what has gone wrong. I did have one set which I think was a bit dodgy ( I was up with Nathan lots during the night and it kept pulling at the set when I got out of bed) but I have done 2 changes since then.

I am currently on 150% temp basal, have had 4 correction doses today and was still at 17.9 before lunch.

I have noticed a tiny drop of blood just where the cannula goes into me (I am on the sillhoutes (sp?) could this be the problem?
can i suggest a hormonal reason for the increase? i had to up mine to 140% at certain times of the month. also, are there any tiny air bubbles in the cartridge/tubing? or is it the insulin? sorry its not going so well this week :( i have a different pump so not really sure about the cannula question
I am on normal "quick set" infusion set & have had the odd prob (mainly me)but you sound as if need help ! I know it takes a bit getting used to but it doesnt sound right. Good luk !

I am feeling very disheartened at the moment. My first 3 weeks of pumping were pretty good, better than I had expected but the last week has been awful. I have had a lot of readings in the 20s and hardly any in single figures. My average blood sugar reading for the last 7 days is up to 13.4 😡

I have had a lot of readings in the 20s and hardly any in single figures. I do not feel like I am getting ill, I have no idea what has gone wrong. I did have one set which I think was a bit dodgy ( I was up with Nathan lots during the night and it kept pulling at the set when I got out of bed) but I have done 2 changes since then.

I am currently on 150% temp basal, have had 4 correction doses today and was still at 17.9 before lunch.

I have noticed a tiny drop of blood just where the cannula goes into me (I am on the sillhoutes (sp?) could this be the problem?

Hi Rachel.
are all your sets from the same batch? Might be worth changing to a new box to see if you have a problem. Also has the problem started since starting a new box?
To stop the set being pulled the simple solution is to use some tape (Mefix) and tape across the tubing just before the set. Even if your pump takes up bungee jumping it wont affect the set :D

Next set you take out use a small measuring spoon and bolus some insulin onto it then measure what has been delivered by drawing it into a syringe.

Another option is, as many find out the first few weeks are fab, then things go t*ts up as basals need to be reset.
Hope you are sorted soon.
Good tip about the tape, thanks. I have just upped all my basal rates by 10% and reduced my insulin sensitivity a bit.

I see from another post some people are having high readings after their flu.jab. I had mine last week, I wonder if that could be a factor.
Good tip about the tape, thanks. I have just upped all my basal rates by 10% and reduced my insulin sensitivity a bit.

I see from another post some people are having high readings after their flu.jab. I had mine last week, I wonder if that could be a factor.

It does seem to be a possible culprit. I was told levels might rise slightly, but the readings I had for a couple of days after were totally out of the ball park for me!

I am feeling very disheartened at the moment. My first 3 weeks of pumping were pretty good, better than I had expected but the last week has been awful. I have had a lot of readings in the 20s and hardly any in single figures. My average blood sugar reading for the last 7 days is up to 13.4 😡

I have had a lot of readings in the 20s and hardly any in single figures. I do not feel like I am getting ill, I have no idea what has gone wrong. I did have one set which I think was a bit dodgy ( I was up with Nathan lots during the night and it kept pulling at the set when I got out of bed) but I have done 2 changes since then.

I am currently on 150% temp basal, have had 4 correction doses today and was still at 17.9 before lunch.

I have noticed a tiny drop of blood just where the cannula goes into me (I am on the sillhoutes (sp?) could this be the problem?

Also keep in mind it takes a good few months to settle down with pumping! I had exactly the same, first 3 weeks went brilliantly then it all went haywire afterwards and my basal rates had to be adjusted constantly until I was about 3 months in and my body had gotten fully used to pumping 🙂

Don't give up and stick at it, you will get there it all takes a little bit of time!
Rachel - {{{Hugs}}}

After a fortnight I loved it, but by a week later I felt like chucking the whole load of electronic crap in the dusttbin. Right royally pissed off with it, I was. Husband making sarky comments eg Thought this was sposed to make things bettr? - if you ask me .... Well I ain't asking you. So shut right up. That lasted about another 2-3 weeks Pumper Sue even sent me her mobile number in a PM, but I said I'd save it for an emergency as really I wanted to do it myself, but I did ask a lot of questions - didn't I Sue? And I did some truly daft things like adjusting my basal rates by far too much and being in hypo city. Generally I reported the incidents on 'my usual forum' AFTER, to say - Look how daft I was, folks!

Then suddenly 'stuff' seemed to suddenly start working like it said on the tin. Phew!

The other thing is I would hope you have a mobile number for your DSN to use when you are feeling like everything is Too Complicated? - use it. You are NOT 'being silly' and your DSN won't think you are anyway.

I thought it was just like being first diagnosed with diabetes - feeling lost and alone ..... but in truth you aren't any of those things, except (temporarily) maybe just a bit lost.

Rachel - it WILL get better. I promise you!
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