Ali sabotages my cartridge change

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well I got into a right state yesterday!

I was aware that the cartridge in my pump was almost empty, and had planned to change it on my train home after meetings. However.....
when I got to the station, all the trains were delayed due to a fallen tree on the line (thanks Ali - but I didn't think it had been that bad here in the south...). Couldn't find any room in the waiting room, and they kept changing the expected times of my train. (I suppose I should be grateful I actually got to the right platform) Then my pump started beeping at me to tell me the cartridge was empty, and I couldn't seem to turn that alarm off for more than a couple of minutes at a time.
So seeing my latest expected time for my train had just been posted up for about 5 minutes time, and also rather late realising the train was likely to be packed so I wouldn't be able to get a seat, I decided to do the cartridge change on a seat I squeezed into on the platform. So I started all the mechanisms of changing the cartridge and then they announced that my train would be next and it was in one minute!
So I started panicking and tried to put it all away in my bag as I was only half way through, but having all the stuff out on my lap I was really getting frantic and worried I would ruin the half completed change or drop it all in my rush to get on. Then they announced my train was not next, but another one to come in in front and mine in another 4 minutes. So I got it all out again and carried on. God knows what the people either side of me thought. If of course they even noticed.
Finally got on my train with new cartridge successfully installed! And I got a seat. What a sigh of relief.
And lesson learned - do not allow the cartridge to get that low before changing. No matter the waste!!!
Glad you managed to get it sorted Barbie. 🙂 What pump are you using? The Medtronic beeps a warning when it gets to 20u. I usually have more than that in it when it comes to set changes anyway. Not sure I'd fancy doing a set change on a station platform 😱. Loading the cartridge from the vial sat at the table at home is fine but doing it out in the wild would be a right faff.
Blimey, what a palaver, I would probably have dropped it all so well done for managing it.
Yes I’m on the Aviva insight, and it does beep me when down to 20 units.

But as I am using about 10 units a day in basal and was not expecting to be eating too much during the day I expected it to last. I change my cannula at different times - it was only the tubing and the cartridge I was needing to change

I know I cut it fine, but I’d have been ok without the tree......
If it makes you feel any better @Barbie1 I was held up by the same tree yesterday - glad my pump didn't demand a change of pod til I got home though! 😱
About a year ago I was on a Train Newcastle to Kings Cross, normally less than 3hrs. But this took more than 6 ! I wished I had be in my car. Pleased you managed Barbie 1.
what a stress! Glad all ended up ok and you got a seat!
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