Alfalfa - A quick question?!

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The Derisive One

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've a quick question about Alfalfa?

Before I'd been to the doctors to get my blood sugars back on track I had started taking Kelp & Alfalfa tablets as they're good for encouraging hair thickening and growth, since I had my daughter 3 years ago my hair has done nothing but get thinner and thinner (probably because of my lack of control too however!!).

I'd completely not considered that it might have an effect on my blood sugars and I got in touch with my diabetic nurse to ask her. She hadn't heard of it before but told me she'd look it up and let me know today what she finds out about it.

Having been to see her today she told me it was probably a really good thing for me to have been taking, but i have to be careful as it's known for lowering blood sugars!! As my blood sugars have been getting closer to being back on track she warned me to be careful about taking them as they may enduce a hypo and I was only to take them at breakfast time so that i am aware of what they were doing to me through the day.

Has anyone come across these before or know anyone that's taken them and what effects it's had on their blood sugars?
I haven't come across them before. If you are on friendly terms with your local pharmacist, he might know. Pharmacists have all kinds of up to date knowledge.
Interesting what you say about hair loss/thinning. Jogged my memory that before she was dx whenever K had a bath the plug hole would be full of hair. Cant remember having to do any unblocking since. Hmmm - come to think of it her plait is harder to do too. Never seen hair loss listed as a side effect of high blood sugars but perhaps it is?

Will check out the link, thx 🙂
It would fit though. Blood supply to the hair root could be affected by increased glucose levels.

Just a theory!

Andy 🙂
I think i'm gonna take a wee wander up to the local pharmacy and pick their brains ... I'll be back haha!! XxXxX
Or not ... the other half has told me it aint open til tomorrow morning ... apparently they close early on a Friday!! pah! XxXxX
Interesting what you say about hair loss/thinning. Jogged my memory that before she was dx whenever K had a bath the plug hole would be full of hair. Cant remember having to do any unblocking since. Hmmm - come to think of it her plait is harder to do too. Never seen hair loss listed as a side effect of high blood sugars but perhaps it is?

Will check out the link, thx 🙂

I've just found this site as the problem has completely got my old brain gears turning. It has made some interesting reading for me personally ... you may find it interesting also!! It'll be interesting to see if my maintained blood sugars makes a difference for me personally!!
I've just found this site as the problem has completely got my old brain gears turning. It has made some interesting reading for me personally ... you may find it interesting also!! It'll be interesting to see if my maintained blood sugars makes a difference for me personally!!

Thanks (although my eyes hurt now - not the easiest web site to read!). Just makes me realise that i was probably right to believe K was undiagnosed for over a year :(
Thanks (although my eyes hurt now - not the easiest web site to read!). Just makes me realise that i was probably right to believe K was undiagnosed for over a year :(

I shoulda said that i highlighted everything to be able to read it sorry!! lol.

Such a shame that she wasn't diagnosed quicker ... however at least you're all aware of it now and not been left even longer!! XxXxX
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