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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was very good, i changed my diet accordingly and cut down on my alcohol consumption by 80%. The effects were great, two stone weight loss in five months.
My problem now is though that I have slipped into a comfort zone, because of my good work I have never had any complications from diabetes. I now find myself drinking like I used to, nearly everynight in a social situation. I have not suffered any weightgain yet but am worried that I am on a slippery slope.
Any words of advice or encouragement on how to get back on track would be appreciated, better still, horror stories about what I could be doing to myself. I think I need to get the fear factor back in my life.
I know exactly where you're coming from! Pre-diagnosis I was quite a heavy drinker and I literally stopped overnight when I went into hospital and got diagnosed. Not because I was scared particularly, just didn't want it any more - could have been partly a thirst problem, and I thought I was thirsty because I was dehydrated from all the booze!

Anyway, didn't touch the stuff for ages, then maybe have a couple of pints in the pub with friends - never got used to not ordering beer in pubs! Lately, though, I've noticed that I've been buying stuff and drinking it at home. I think it's largely due to the nice weather as it's nice to sit outside in the garden and relax with a couple of drinks. Also, I've noticed how much of my recycling bin is filling up with beer cans lately! Like you, I'd got into a comfort zone where I was no longer as obsessive about my diabetes and feeling that I was fine and dandy! So, yesterday, even though I was tempted, I decided it wasn't worth it - special occasions only and then in moderation.

The reasons are plentiful. For one, it messes with my BG levels, particularly sending me low no matter what I do. Another thing, I'm on medication for Blood pressure and alcohol raises blood pressure. Blood pressure is bad for the kidneys in particular and I do NOT want to end up on dialysis in later years, and there's little point in taking the medication if I then go and do something that destroys the effect. Also, I now get hangovers with it, which I never did pre-diagnosis, so I might enjoy a couple one day but really pay for it the next day. It just doesn't seem worth it.

Hope you can get up the willpower and get back on track - you already know what great rewards you can get, so think about that and how you'd hate to let it slide back. Good luck!🙂
When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was very good, i changed my diet accordingly and cut down on my alcohol consumption by 80%. The effects were great, two stone weight loss in five months.
My problem now is though that I have slipped into a comfort zone, because of my good work I have never had any complications from diabetes. I now find myself drinking like I used to, nearly everynight in a social situation. I have not suffered any weightgain yet but am worried that I am on a slippery slope.
Any words of advice or encouragement on how to get back on track would be appreciated, better still, horror stories about what I could be doing to myself. I think I need to get the fear factor back in my life.

Hi hemase,

You don't need to be told any horror stories. I'm sure that you know most of them anyway.

Just be strong and get back to where you were. You know that it makes sense.

You don't need to be scared - you simply need to understand the importance to your long term health situation. I'm certain that you do!

I'm down to around 4 or 5 units a week on average. I daren't tell you where I started from. When the nurse first asked me how much I drank I told her I didn't know - because I genuinely didn't. We settled on a "more than 30 units per week" which was a massive understatement. I've made very many changes to my situation since becoming diabetic but the thing I miss least is the alcohol.

Good luck!

Best Wishes - John
Hemase, simple words of encouragement - you have been successful before in cutting down your alcohol intake and you have recognised you have returned to old habits - both make excellent starting points. Horror stories don't work for me - they tend to propel me towards wanting a glass of alcohol instead (perverse woman that I am) - but one thing that has worked for me when tempted to eat something I shouldn't is to "eat mindfully" so when you have a drink, do you really notice it and enjoy it as something special
Thanks for the comments, its my birthday tommorow and I am going out with the pool team. I think it will be difficult not to drink then.
I am however visiting my best friend for the weekend and she is my biggest supporter. If anyone can get through to me and help me get back on track it is her.
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