Alcohol on my b'day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, just a query really, what do people consider to be enough to drink alcohol, i mean i have only been on insulin 6 weeks as they thought i was type 2 but i was type 1, anyway i am so worried about drinking giving me a hypo through the night i haven't bothered but it's my b'day today and i am having one glass of baileys, how long does it take to show up and will it be bad in the night, i know i am probably over reacting but i do panic a bit so any help or advice would be great, thanks :D
drink in moderation!

Hi all, just a query really, what do people consider to be enough to drink alcohol, i mean i have only been on insulin 6 weeks as they thought i was type 2 but i was type 1, anyway i am so worried about drinking giving me a hypo through the night i haven't bothered but it's my b'day today and i am having one glass of baileys, how long does it take to show up and will it be bad in the night, i know i am probably over reacting but i do panic a bit so any help or advice would be great, thanks :D

Hi Angel30eyes
Remember one thing alcohol even with quite large sugar content can bring on a hypo, strange I know but it happens.
Also it may make you temporarily miss the symptoms.
Many Happy Returns xxxx:D
Hi Angel30eyes

Its my birthday too. Only twelve years to go and I officially retire!!

Happy birthday to us.

Happy Birthday

Hi there

Happy Birthday to you too, I am a whole 36 today 🙂
enjoy your baileys love its your birthday! i would just keep a check on your sugars, its usually a few hours after for me but i think everyone is different.
It's ok to drink as long as you don't overdo it. If you take too much alcohol in the evening your blood will be low all of the next day, and you will need to watch out for repeated hypos. Drink plenty orange juice
Happy birthday xx
Thanks for your replys, i only had one little glass of baileys as i had bought those lil bottles you can get so didn't wanna have more than one, anyway i went to bed and had 1 biscuit and it worked cause my sugars were 5mmol this morning so had i not had the biscuit it would have dropped lower me thinks, but i'm getting the hang of it now thanks to you guys :D
Do whatever works for you. I know I can only ever have one or two glasses of anything alcohol and I'm drunk. You will only find out by trying, but to let someone know what you're doing just in case.

Happy birthday too if I'mm not too late
Blood Sugar

I had one glass last night but will this effect me today rather than during the night as my blood sugar is dropping really fast today? Sorry to be a bit blonde but 🙂
I had one glass last night but will this effect me today rather than during the night as my blood sugar is dropping really fast today? Sorry to be a bit blonde but 🙂

People react differently, so there are no real hard and fast rules. I don't think that 1 glass of baileys is going to have a big and lasting effect. The reason why alcohol has the effect it does is because whilst the liver is processing it, it doesn't fulfill its other duties with the same efficiency e.g. by slowly releasing glucose to keep up your 'background' levels. As a result, your BG may drop low and you get a hypo. The main things to remember are to have something to eat before drinking, whilst drinking (depending on how much and how long you're drinking for) and before bed. I also reduce my insulin slightly before and evening out.

And may I wish you a belated Happy Birthday!!!🙂
Thanks Northener, it seems as that was my first drink in over 3 years that now i am a diabetic my body doesn't seem to want to play fair as my blood suagr dropped this morning from 10 to 5 in ten minutes after breakfast and i feel awful, i have had something to eat now but i will remember in future that it doesn't effect you straight away more the next day as i took my full dose of insulin this morning and probably didn't have enough food to compensate
I find alcohol does drop me significantly overnight but have never had an alcohol induced hypo. I tend to go to bed with high levels (20's) and a snack and wake up in range. i don't find it effects me the next day.
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