Alcohol & Metformin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everone,
Im new to this forum as ive just been diagnosed with Diabetes type 2. Taken 1st tablet today.

Question i would like to ask is, am i allowed to drink Alcohol (bitter) in moderation while taking Metformin? 😱
Thank you Steffie. Clicked on link, found good advise. :(

All about moderation from what i know and what i can see on there Kenneth, just have the odd pint now and again and do go mad is all i can say.
Whilst I am not a medical expert (that is the liability bit dealt with!), when I got prescribed it the Doc never mentioned it and being new to it then I actually read the patient info leaflet which said not to drink with it.

As a man who enjoys his beer I called the Doc to ask about it and it was news to him and he reckoned it was one of those standard caveats about everything and it was fine to ignore, but probably best the first coupel of times drinking whilst on it to just be sensible and check it did nothing to me.

5yrs down the line, the only bad thing a few beers does is empty my wallet and, strangely, stop me sleeping that well.

Hope this helps

I'm on metformin too. I don't drink a great deal as I can't hold my liquor, but have found I am OK with a couple of glasses of wne with a meal.

I think it is a question of trial and error, we are all different, so what works for one will not always work for another. Also moderation seems to be the key.
I have the occasional glass of wine and it has never occurred to me that it would interfere with the Metformin. I have to admit though that I have never felt any symptoms of diabetes.
Should have said earlier, welcome to the forum, I hope you are finding us friendly and helpful.
gave up drinking 6 -7 years before being diagnosed and the first thing that came to mind after being told your diabetic was, i could go a pint of cider lol,
like all things in life all good in moderation, never go by how much someone else drinks, we all have different bodies that cope differently with every thing we take,
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