Alcohol consumption

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Fe 82

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone,

Just wondered what people's views/experiences were with being diabetic and drinking alcohol (sensibly)? The past couple of people I have met who have lived with daibetes for a while have cut it out completely...

Fe x
Me personally I dont drink but that was before diabetes came along , i just choose to not consume it i dont miss what i never had so to speak.
Hi everyone,

Just wondered what people's views/experiences were with being diabetic and drinking alcohol (sensibly)? The past couple of people I have met who have lived with daibetes for a while have cut it out completely...

Fe x

Errmm Well Im just recovering from a rather alcohol fuelled day actually 😱

I think as long as you test and know how it effects your levels (up or down)

then it is fine . I also make sure that whoever Im with knows Im type1 and

what to do in an emergency .
I agree, my fiancee likes a good drink as I do and while she when she was recently diagnosed we had a few hypo incidents, now she knows the importance of eating before/after and watching bloods sugars for the next day.

It also helps to choose the drink wisely, she used to consume an unworldy volume of WKD's, but as these are of course massively high in sugar she now opts for wine or malibu/diet coke as a slightly better alternative.

She also takes alot less insulin with her evening meal before going out.
I'm sure her blood sugars are still pretty high during the evening, but you just have to do the best you can.
I do drink but not in excess. I'll make sure I'm testing regularly and snacking as necessary as alcohol has in the past dropped me very quickly.
My worst ever hypo was when I had been drinking (last exam at uni, went a bit ott) and I acted so out of character it was horrible and not something I'd like to repeat again which is why I dont drink in such large amounts any more.
I do drink but not in excess. I'll make sure I'm testing regularly and snacking as necessary as alcohol has in the past dropped me very quickly.
My worst ever hypo was when I had been drinking (last exam at uni, went a bit ott) and I acted so out of character it was horrible and not something I'd like to repeat again which is why I dont drink in such large amounts any more.

Alcohol tends to make me go high , I always have to correct 😡
Ah the evils of alcohol, nominally the morning after lol! As a rule I try not to drink more than five or six pints a night. It will send me sky high but even so I don't correct that. I just keep up taking in the carbs before I go to bed so as to avoid a massive hypo brought on by the booze.

I don't drink very often but when I do I drink alot. So don't do sensible drinking really. I Will go very high but don't correct it and have a snack before bed and at least 2 pints of water and will wake up with reasonable bllod sugar and no hangover.
Ok that makes me feel a little better, thanks guys. I generally only drink white wine, and a sauvignon blanc at that, so nothing too sweet. I only have to have 3 though and I've found I go lower the following morning. I will no longer feel like a 'bad' diabetic when I indulge on a Friday evening after work though!
I drink very little, a couple of pu measure of wine and I'm happy, just on the edge of being drunk, and it looks like I've had at least two bottles. I drink very little.

The secret seems to be suck it and see, drink sensibly and test test test. As we are all different, our tolerances are different, so don't take anything for granted.
Hi there, as many have mentioned, they tend to go to bed after drink with hi sugars but then it will come down, I had a scary experience where I fell into a coma state. I was recovering from the norovirus, had only 2 glasses of wine and didn't feel drunk at all, took Solostar as normal and my bloke woke up to me fitting at 3am. Paramedics tested my sugars were 0.6 and as my brain was shutting down when they brought me back around with the glucogen and glucogel I was hallucinating and extremely violent as I thought the 3 men (paramedics) were burglars intruding to well, tortur me! Crazy stuff! I never ever want to be in that state.

My point being that although my sugars wouldn't normally have been drastically affected from 2 small wines this along side getting over infections and viruses is lethal so be aware and check!

Funny thing too...I've been kicked out of a bar and my mates too coz they accused me of taking drugs! Well apart from my insulin drugs I was merely having a hypo but with my other girls being drunk too the bouncers refused to listen! I returned to the place the next day and wiped the floor with them! Talk about ignorance!!

Enjoy your happy evenings on the pop! Stay safe and always check if something doesn't feel right?
Thanks for that hypersuze , its always good to hear first hand experiences from other Diabetics. I personally am a compulsive tester so if in doubt the meter comes out ... always 🙂
Hi everyone,

Just wondered what people's views/experiences were with being diabetic and drinking alcohol (sensibly)? The past couple of people I have met who have lived with daibetes for a while have cut it out completely...

Fe x

Must have missed this thread while I was away for a few days.

I must admit to enjoying a glass of vino, beer, whisky, and a few other tipples!

I think the main thing is to know your limits, I'm still working that out! But I just test often say every hour and a bit, and I eat during to soak the booze up. And wifey often makes me cheese on toast when we return or a kfc on way home. I known I'm likely to end up in a state one day, but I guess until that happens I'll continue.

If you're drinking sensible then I'm sure you'll be A okay!
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