alcohol and pumping

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all,

just wanted to ask about alcohol and pumping and how it works?

when i drank alcohol on injections, i would reduce my novorapid at dinner time and also my levimer at night time and i would eat some carbs before bed.
if i noticed i was starting to go too low throughout the evening i would usually eat something to keep my blood sugars up.

but now with the pump, im thinking what if i start going low and end up eating too much to bring my blood sugars up and then i end up with really high sugars and i might not have alot of insulin on board (seeing as the basal is really small amounts per hour unlike the big does of levimer on injections) so might end up with ketones, because usually my levimer injection would keep me going all night but i dont want to have to take insulin whilst having alcohol in my system.

i hope this makes sense... lol any advice on this subject would be grateful anyway even if my story is confusing lol

No, i understand totally! The thing is everyone is different so it will be trial and error at first to see what works for you.

Personally i dont dose for alcohol (drink wine only), i always test at the appropriate times. I find i dont need any extra cho at all. I reduce my breakfast ratio if ive had more that 2 glasses as i can go low otherwise.

It depends how much you are drinking though? I know some on here reduce overnight basal too. You will have to give things a go and see how it affects you. Yes its different than mdi but i find i dont really need to do much different than before i had D, wheras on mdi i would eat lots of extra cho and then get really bad hangovers even with a couple of drinks.
You could try to replicate this using the pump 🙂

If knocking a couple of units off your dinner time novorapid and levemir worked, do the same - less at dinner time, and put yourself on a temporary basal rate 🙂

If you go low and you think you have eaten too much, what I would personally do (and have done) is give myself enough insulin to cover the extra carbs I have eaten and give the bolus over 30 mins or an hour, so you don't accidently go low again by giving it all in one shot.

It is just about trying out what works for you!
thanks for your adivce peeps 🙂

ive got my first night out nxt sat with my pump and was just needin some tips on how to survive haha lol

im kinda nervous about going to a night club with it incase i bang into someone and it breaks or something lol eeeeek

all i can do is try lol
thanks for your adivce peeps 🙂

ive got my first night out nxt sat with my pump and was just needin some tips on how to survive haha lol

im kinda nervous about going to a night club with it incase i bang into someone and it breaks or something lol eeeeek

all i can do is try lol

Dont worry about banging the pump they are sturdy. Depends what you wear but on nights out i put mine in my bra cup and it cant be seen through clothes. :D
I remember somebody on here saying they put themselves on 70% for the night and it stops any hypo's - but I cant remember who it was now. I wouldnt worry about damaging your pump - I have seen lots of children on pumps and they climb trees and playfight and do all sorts of things wearing them - they are very robust.🙂Bev
Dont worry about banging the pump they are sturdy. Depends what you wear but on nights out i put mine in my bra cup and it cant be seen through clothes. :D

I remember somebody on here saying they put themselves on 70% for the night and it stops any hypo's - but I cant remember who it was now. I wouldnt worry about damaging your pump - I have seen lots of children on pumps and they climb trees and playfight and do all sorts of things wearing them - they are very robust.🙂Bev

thanks for the tips peeps :D xox
I remember somebody on here saying they put themselves on 70% for the night and it stops any hypo's - but I cant remember who it was now. I wouldnt worry about damaging your pump - I have seen lots of children on pumps and they climb trees and playfight and do all sorts of things wearing them - they are very robust.🙂Bev

I do something similar - I put on an 80% basal and just test frequently, and I leave that on overnight since I tend to find alcohol makes me drop overnight.

Hope you enjoy your night out! :D
hey all, i found the thread i made yay :D

im slightly worried about, if i end up with a really high sugar and it says ive got ketones, do i then need to apply the ketone rules even if i had alcohol or will it go away when the alcohol goes out my system??
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