Airports and insulin pump


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi....I'm traveling with British Airways jn a few weeks and will be wearing insulin pump. Has anyone had any problems? Do I need to let them know before hand? Or just turn up with my hospital/Gp letters? Thanks in advance
@Dralina You don’t need to let them know beforehand. I take a letter from my GP and tell them at check in and at security. They then usually get someone to pat me down and use the waving around rod scanner rather than go through the scanner gate. Occasionally they swab the pump and your hands for anything suspicious, but it’s quick and not a big deal 🙂
My pump and I have flown many times together.
I have never told the airline and only tell the airport security when I need to. (I am protective of personal information). The only time this is needed is if I am asked to go through the full body scanner (there is no problem with the metal detector arch).
In that case, it depends whether you have a tubed or patch pump. A tubed pump can be temporarily detached and separately swabbed as i go through the scanner. However, it is not possible to detach a patch pump so I need to be patted down.
Unfortunately, I have experienced some rudeness from security and pressure to go through the scanner. I don’t think they like the hassle of finding a female security person to part me down which can hold up their queue. However, in most cases, it is no problem.
I recommend giving yourself a little extra time at the airport just in case.

There is no reason to tell anyone beforehand unless you want to take an extra item of hand luggage for “medical items”. Some airlines allow this but you need to check.
I have never bothered as I prefer to travel without lots of bags.
@Dralina You don’t need to let them know beforehand. I take a letter from my GP and tell them at check in and at security. They then usually get someone to pat me down and use the waving around rod scanner rather than go through the scanner gate. Occasionally they swab the pump and your hands for anything suspicious, but it’s quick and not a big deal 🙂
Thanks for your help. I'm just so anxious about it!
My pump and I have flown many times together.
I have never told the airline and only tell the airport security when I need to. (I am protective of personal information). The only time this is needed is if I am asked to go through the full body scanner (there is no problem with the metal detector arch).
In that case, it depends whether you have a tubed or patch pump. A tubed pump can be temporarily detached and separately swabbed as i go through the scanner. However, it is not possible to detach a patch pump so I need to be patted down.
Unfortunately, I have experienced some rudeness from security and pressure to go through the scanner. I don’t think they like the hassle of finding a female security person to part me down which can hold up their queue. However, in most cases, it is no problem.
I recommend giving yourself a little extra time at the airport just in case.

There is no reason to tell anyone beforehand unless you want to take an extra item of hand luggage for “medical items”. Some airlines allow this but you need to check.
I have never bothered as I prefer to travel without lots of bags.
Thanks for your help. Traveling with all the cgms us a pain too lol. Trying hard not to overpack!
Thanks for your help. I'm just so anxious about it!

No problem 🙂 I’m a bit of an anxious traveller too. I check everything a million times:D But, seriously, the airport bit is fine. I’ve always found Security very helpful with my pump and medical stuff. I always get there in good time so I’m not rushing and can get through Security more quickly.
Hi....I'm traveling with British Airways jn a few weeks and will be wearing insulin pump. Has anyone had any problems? Do I need to let them know before hand? Or just turn up with my hospital/Gp letters? Thanks in advance
Don’t worry about nothing. Just bring a gp letter for the worst case scenario. You can wear most pumps via scanners but always good to check with your manufacturer. I got moved on to the onmipod dash and I told the security officer when I made the gate beep and and they will just ask you to show if you can. He was intrigued as he had never seen a pump without a cannula!