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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
does anybody have any info on wearing a punp to go to the airport and going thru customs?
does it make the alarms go off? etc?
Hi Julie welcome to the forum.

Have you spoken to your pump company about pumps and what it can and can't go through? For example my Animas 2020 can't go through X ray machines.

Have you got a letter from your team saying that you will be wearing it and carrying all your supplies? That should help if you get any hassle. I don't know if it will make the walk through machine thing beep, good question!
i dont know a lot about it yet,i went to my specialist yesterday an he sed i will b goin on the pump in the next couple of weeks and 1 of the nurses will b in touch with me soon,so i dont know wat pump or anything yet
thanx for yor reply
julie x
Check "security" for whichever airports you are using - customs are only interested in items that attract tax eg alcohol, tobacco. Once you know what pump you're getting, ask the manufacturer - they'll know how their pump responds to various types of scanners.
My Medtronic doesn't set off the alarms, I think there are only 2 tiny metal screws on the clip. I've read on another forum that the Animas and Ping both tend to set off the alarm.
I always tell the screener that I'm wearing it before I go through, they are always fine about it.
I have an animas, and I've never had any problems. I've noticed if I wear it with the clip it sets off the alarms, but I just explain to the security person and it's never been an issue. I've never set off the alarm if I wear it without the clip. 🙂
Hi Julie,

I have a medtronic and it can't go through x-ray machines so just unclip whilst you go through. My doctor gave me letters to carry and even sent ahead to the fly company about why I need everything in my hand luggage including spare insulin etc due to the needles in middle of the giving sets and finger prick sticks. I really stressed about I needed everything in my hand luggage for obvious reasons and you should get bigger allowance for this reason. As long as they are aware they shouldn't have a problem. I went straight through out and back in.
I believe all pumps can go through the walk through xrays, not sure about the new machines though.

However Jessica wears a sensor and transmitter and when we get there I always just say my daughter has an insulin pump on and sensor with transmitter and they let her through the gate and just then search her.

We also take mini cans of coke through and I always have to open one and drink it but so long as it says on your doc's letter that you need 150 ml x 5 (for example) full sugar coke because......... then you will be ok. I always get stopped.

You need a letter from your consultant stating you are carrying sharps, an insulin pump, insulin etc. I also have a repeat script attached to the letter as well.

Never put insulin in the hold. You can also have an extra piece of hand luggage due to medical condition. You do not have to have everything in that one bit of hand luggage though and it is advisable to spread it out between hand luggage incase one bag goes missing.

Good luck.

I've never heard of being allowed extra hand luggage because of a medical condition. Is there some regulation about that or is it at the discretion of the airline?
Its the airlines. However I've flown with quite a few in the last 11 years and they all have the same rule and it still applies. I've flown Virgin, BA and Easyjet and First Choice in the last 3 or 4 years and they are all the same. I do ring the airlines though, always before I go as I want to tell them my daughter has a pump and will be wearing it and she also has a sensor (CGM) and should have it on and is that ok blah blah and now I always ask if I get an extra hand luggage due to medication and they always say, 'yes for medical conditions, one extra handluggage'.

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