Airport security

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Do you have to be an arsehole to work in airport security.most of them have no fuc*ing clue what type 1 is and is why I don't bother going abroad anymore
When did you last fly?
About ten years ago, I may have agreed with you at some airports. However, it is many flights since I had any problems.
To be honest, I don’t mention it unless I am asked to go through the scanner. When I do, I explain my pump cannot be x-rayed and, apart from a bit of a wait for a free female security officer to become available to pat me down. This year, I have flow to USA, Europe and Middle East from different UK airports and had no issues.
When did you last fly?
About ten years ago, I may have agreed with you at some airports. However, it is many flights since I had any problems.
To be honest, I don’t mention it unless I am asked to go through the scanner. When I do, I explain my pump cannot be x-rayed and, apart from a bit of a wait for a free female security officer to become available to pat me down. This year, I have flow to USA, Europe and Middle East from different UK airports and had no issues.
Last year, Heathrow
Last year, Heathrow
This year, I travelled through Heathrow multiple times.
It was busy but no different for me due to diabetes than everyone else without an insulin pump.
I always treat the security staff with respect and, knowing they have a tough job, give them an understanding smile. In many areas of my life, I find a smile, calmness and not blaming individuals for an organisation’s issues, goes a long way to getting good service.
This year, I travelled through Heathrow multiple times.
It was busy but no different for me due to diabetes than everyone else without an insulin pump.
I always treat the security staff with respect and, knowing they have a tough job, give them an understanding smile. In many areas of my life, I find a smile, calmness and not blaming individuals for an organisation’s issues, goes a long way to getting good service.
You were lucky then
I did get stopped once in the 80's after I bought a magazine in the airport with a free screwdriver stuck to the cover.
I set off security who asked me to bin it.
A friend had some eyebrow tweezers confiscated by security at the airport.
I have a titanium bar in my leg and was worried it would set off the alarm. I got a letter from my doctor just in case, it didnt got off, my sons girlfriend also has metal work left in her leg, this year we were all flying off to his wedding and I told her not to worry about a letter as it won't set it off. I got through fine, her set it off! I think hers maybe made of surgical steel, maybe titanium doesn't show up.
Do you have to be an arsehole to work in airport security.most of them have no fuc*ing clue what type 1 is and is why I don't bother going abroad anymore
Is that not your loss then?

I haven't been abroad for a few years now but I've never had an issue even when I went through Israeli airport security. No one has ever questioned my diabetes or my equipment.
I have a titanium bar in my leg and was worried it would set off the alarm. I got a letter from my doctor just in case, it didnt got off, my sons girlfriend also has metal work left in her leg, this year we were all flying off to his wedding and I told her not to worry about a letter as it won't set it off. I got through fine, her set it off! I think hers maybe made of surgical steel, maybe titanium doesn't show up.
When I was a student we had a visiting lecturer for some reason, and he told us a story about when he was flying for a conference. He had a metal hip that he had taken to show at the conference (I think he was a surgeon) and when the metal detector went off, he said "oh that'll be my hip" and went to pull it from his trousers pocket where he'd placed it... only it got caught in his hanky so he was having to tug... he said the security guard went white and said "no, it's OK, you don't need to take it out" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
it makes one wonder why we are all treated with such suspicion.

I think perhaps it’s because those who are planning to do explodey-bombing try to sneak through rather than having the decency to announce themselves at security - the cads! :rofl:

Seriously though, I do get the frustration. Especially as we are all still being made to remove boots for x-ray after one bloke tried that one thing once. That’s a whole lot of non-bombers who have had to take their footwear off over the years. But of course, you now can’t not check. 🙄 :(

Like @helli I’ve never had a problem going through security and have always been treated with efficient respect. Smiles and good humour make it a much easier experience for me.
I got a letter from my doctor, saying about sensor, insulin and needles for my trip abroad this August. No problem at all. Slightly longer process than before I was diagnosed. Best to go prepared. There is also a letter on the main page from joint diabetes charities to the airline overseeing group saying what has been agreed, so you could also print that off and take with you too.
Hi , As others have mentioned security officers are only doing there job.
Do you have to be an arsehole to work in airport security.most of them have no fuc*ing clue what type 1 is and is why I don't bother going abroad anymore
Their job isn't to know what type 1 is. Their job is to prevent any unauthorised weapons, explosives or incendiary devices from passing into the critical part of the airport to protect you, your family and everyone else.
And they prevent any of the 3 mentioned above from appearing or hiding on your aircraft.
It's your responsibility to research their rules and look after your equipment.
If you're unsure about anything, just ask.
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