Ahhh that explains it, oops......

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well this picture explains the high levels that I had yesterday, but the weird thing was that it didn't hurt 🙂 Oh well another lesson learnt lol


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Ewww... when did you realise?
Hi Patti, well as I kept having hi reading I changed back to my other site that I keep in on set change days just in case....it was a good job as I couldn't believe the state of that cannula when I took it out lol then I had to put a fresh cannula in so felt like a cannula cushion yesterday 🙂
I haven't yet had a bad cannula but it's worth being aware of. What type of cannula was it?
I allways change site when have been in bath/shower when skin is clean & softer. Have never had a doggie canula yet. Hope it helps 🙂
Ewww... when did you realise?

Patti, no 1 rule after a cannula change is to check your blood sugars 2 hours afterwards. It's then blatantly obvious if there's a problem 🙂 Stop worrying :D
Sue, at the annual D meet up from t'other forum, before I was actually on the pump, someone gave me a Flexlink to try and inserted it for me with the inserter tool. That evening when I went to bed I removed it, only to discover it bent over and not in my skin at all. Eeek. It made me wary! I am checking 2 hours after a change.

Doesn't everyone worry a bit in the first few weeks? To me it's almost like when I very first went onto insulin.
Yes Patti, we all worry when first starting to pump. It's as you say just like starting again.
Even now after over 6 years on a pump if one alarms I start to panic before logic kicks in. Logic involves looking at the screen and reading what the pump is telling me (flat battery or blocked cannula/tubing)
Fourth try of trying to write this post it keeps kicking me out so will summerise 🙂

Yep go by Hobie rule of after a shower for set change its a good one and fits into routine.
Yep go by Sue's rule of after couple of hours check that's how I knew it was wrong and used old site until new cannula change.
I use Inset II but have had a bent one, wonky one and pulled out one so I may call Animas about others but it's prob my fault as only a 5 week+ newbie...

Please Hope this posts 🙂
Hi northerner, it was doing one of two things 1) letting me login to the main page which was fine then when I clicked on the thread to read / comment I wouldn't be logged in anymore. The 2) one was getting logged in, then writing out my reply then hitting the submit reply and it wiping it and I am not logged in anymore.... I will tick the check box if it happens again that may sort it? 🙂
Hi northerner, it was doing one of two things 1) letting me login to the main page which was fine then when I clicked on the thread to read / comment I wouldn't be logged in anymore. The 2) one was getting logged in, then writing out my reply then hitting the submit reply and it wiping it and I am not logged in anymore.... I will tick the check box if it happens again that may sort it? 🙂

It should do Vanessa. There is a timeout if you don't check that box. Sometimes if something goes wrong you can click the 'back' button in your browser and that takes you back to your message before you tried to post. If it happens to me I then copy the text, log in again and then paste it back in.

Sorry, I know it is annoying! :(
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