aggresive hypos

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all. Just had a rather nasty one. Not super low 2.7 but it got me really agressive...had such a go at matt and said some really horrible things which i didn't mean but he thought I did...i told him I was low but it didn't really compute with him...

I hate these ones. He knows now that my levels were low and thats why, but he doesn't really understand how to deal with me in that situation.

God I turn into such a horrible person when I'm low sometimes. Matt was trying to cuddle me and I ended up pushing him away and screamed at him to f**k off...I'm sure the entire flat block heard that.

Now I'm feeling very sorry for myself. Still feeing rough. But wondering what I can do to teach Matt how to deal with me in those situatuions? I'm so uncompliant its unbelievable. It's like I can SEE what's happening but I can't control what I do. And its bloody horrible.

Any ideas?
I'm the same when I get into that state, Alan has to just get me what ever I need to raise my levels then leave me alone till im bk up or i think somedays i could almost strangle him im so angry :(
Me to i am such a b*st*rd, when i have them lows, i even have punched walls and doors, then later i think why the hell did i just do that?😱
I suggest talking to him when you are not low and try to work out something that can be put in place when you are next in that situation. Does he express to you how he feels when these agressive lows happen?
Maybe it would help if as long as you are treating the low he just keeps out of your way until you are feeling better, but obviously keeps an eye on you at a distance.
Hope you can work something out as he seems such a great support to you.
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