AgaMatrix Jazz wifi

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
About 6 months ago my GP surgery changed all our blood monitoring to AgaMatrix jazz, I decided to take the Bluetooth version for ease of recording, very quickly I started to get high readings of 10+ and sometimes 15+. As even when my insulin increased by a third I was still getting high numbers.
After constant phone calls from my GP they referred me back to the diabetic health team. Best move as my blood test showed I was controlling my diabetes my blood monitor was saying something else. So I’ve been on a Libra2 and doing at least 2 comparisons with the jazz and the difference is clear so much it could be dangerous, take todays, Libra was 7.7 the jazz taken 1 minute after was 12.7. The danger is I’ve had some saying I’m around 8-9 when the Libra is saying I’m 4-5 so I could ignore I’m at risk of a hypo and get in the car and go for a drive.
I’m looking forward to relaying this back to the health team and GP.
guess the question is “ has anyone else had this issue? “
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