Aftermath of a High Sugar Day

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had a high sugar day yesterday due to a family birthday party.
I was trying to be good what I ate and drank, but it was more than my normal amount.

Today I feel sick and just want to sleep. I have no energy and feel like I have ran in to a brick wall.
Apart from a lot of carbs, I had one glass of wine, diet coke and drank water due to the heat.

I am very interested on how people deal with their day after having a High Sugar Day.
What do you do and how do you cope with it?
Is there any methods that work for you.
Didn't really have “high sugar” days for many years, however as a T1 I would just take insulin to cover it, no idea what a T2 would do other than avoid it in the first place
I don't feel any difference physically, but I get very annoyed with myself and this bl***y condition. Sometimes I get so cross I get a counter productive red most come over me that makes me 'punish' the diabetes monster by having a slice of toast and honey for example. No one suffers except me☹️. Maybe I'll learn. Somehow I doubt it.
Do you check your own levels at home @Lady_Serenity ?

Just wondering whether your levels had stayed high the following day, or whether it was a combination of the glucose variations, the unusual foods, and tiredness from the event etc?

It can he helpful to keep well hydrated if blood glucose levels have been above 10mmol/L as the kidneys can help to flush out excess glucose in urine, which can lead to dehydration.
I ate an entire packet of Bahlsen yesterday and my bg shot up from 6 to 11 and was feeling very ropey so feel your pain.

I did a 30 minute HIIT and got them down again to a reasonable level by bed time.
Do you check your own levels at home @Lady_Serenity ?

Just wondering whether your levels had stayed high the following day, or whether it was a combination of the glucose variations, the unusual foods, and tiredness from the event etc?

It can he helpful to keep well hydrated if blood glucose levels have been above 10mmol/L as the kidneys can help to flush out excess glucose in urine, which can lead to dehydration.

It makes sense to drink plenty of water and flush it out of my system.
Maybe I didn't drink enough water and that's why I was tired.

Thank you
Hello Lady Serenity - I sympathise as I had a similar experience. We had a day at the seaside on Friday (in the rain🙂) and had the traditional seaside visit fish and chips, although I only had a small lightly battered fish, and about ten chips,so quite a reduction on the large fish, full portion of chips, mushy peas and bread and butter which I would have had prior to diagnosis. Although we popped into a couple of pubs I only drank tea, so no problems there. When we got home I had a small piece of cream sponge (my son's birthday cake), but nothing else to eat that day. Yesterday, for no apparent reason I I woke at about four thirty, couldn't go back to sleep so got up about five-ish and felt horribly 'hungover' all day, which struck me as most unjust as I hadn't touched a drop. I'm guessing it was some sort of reaction to carbs consumed, although we walked a great deal, despite the rain. I am feeling a bit better now I've read your post and think perhaps I didn't drink enough water.
I should probably add that since going low carb I have reduced intake substantially, and maybe the difference was just too great for what my body's got used to, although relatively modest.
Hello Lady Serenity - I sympathise as I had a similar experience. We had a day at the seaside on Friday (in the rain🙂) and had the traditional seaside visit fish and chips, although I only had a small lightly battered fish, and about ten chips,so quite a reduction on the large fish, full portion of chips, mushy peas and bread and butter which I would have had prior to diagnosis. Although we popped into a couple of pubs I only drank tea, so no problems there. When we got home I had a small piece of cream sponge (my son's birthday cake), but nothing else to eat that day. Yesterday, for no apparent reason I I woke at about four thirty, couldn't go back to sleep so got up about five-ish and felt horribly 'hungover' all day, which struck me as most unjust as I hadn't touched a drop. I'm guessing it was some sort of reaction to carbs consumed, although we walked a great deal, despite the rain. I am feeling a bit better now I've read your post and think perhaps I didn't drink enough water.
Firstly 'Happy Birthday' to your son.
Thats a good way of putting it, like a bad hangover.
I have increased my water intake and started to feel much better.
I’d drink plenty of water and take some gentle exercise
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