After the Covid jab

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been type 2 for 12 years, levles up and down but since i had my 4th covid booster my HbAc1 has gone from 60 a year ago to over 130.Also my sugar levels are now over 20. I also had the flu virus over christmas and lost over a stone so i now weigh 13 stone which is my lowest weight for over 20 years. Any else have any reaction to the booster jab ?
Well - what has your doctor said about that doubling HbA1c level, and if 'Nothing' it's time that you specifically asked him what to do about it, since clearly your blood glucose is not now in sufficient control. Sounds to me like your medication, diet and exercise routines probably ALL need a complete overhaul, so request one asap.
Gosh that’s quite a change @rodmunch65 :( and those BG levels must be making you feel pretty horrid.

Some people’s diabetes does just change over time, and a nasty bug like ‘flu can really raise your BG levels, but we do have a few members who reported a bit of a bump in their levels following a covid jab. Other members have had the jabs and boosters without seeing any effect on their levels, so it seems to be a very individual thing.

Hope you can get an appointment in the next week to discuss your diabetes management and review any meds you might be taking. In the meantime it seems wise to try to reduce your total carbohydrate intake (not just sugars) to try to take a little pressure off your metabolism.

Are you fully recovered from ‘flu now?
Had all jabs, must be 5 up to now & only once had higher bg levels afterwards & that was for a day.
Hi , I know how a dart board feels after all my jabs.

No issues with flu jab but the fourth Covid fix really caused problems for me.

Slept for 24 hours , no energy but took weeks to totally recover.
My basal insulin needs almost doubled after my first Covid jab and remained at that level which makes me think it may have triggered my immune system to kill off some or all of my remaining insulin producing beta cells. To me it makes sense that if a virus can trigger your immune system to kill your beta cells, then potentially, so could a vaccine.
This would not be a mechanism that would affect Type 2 diabetics because it is an autoimmune response, whereas Type 2 is metabolic, but it is always worth bearing in mind that you may be misdiagnosed and possibly have a very slow onset Type 1 (LADA) in which case it might make sense, along with the recent weight loss, so you might want to ask your nurse about GAD antibody tests and C-peptide which looks for the antibodies associated with Type 1 and how much insulin your pancreas (beta cells) is(are) producing. Many middle aged people are assumed to be Type 2 as there is no specific testing for it, if they are mature adults and perhaps a little overweight and there are plenty of us on this forum who were misdiagnosed, so it certainly does happen and might explain your recent massive increase in HbA1c.
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