After fall.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last saturday I had a bad fall down the stairs, from top to bottom. I have cuts and bruises everywhere, but the main injury was to my left foot. I went to hospital on sunday and luckily I have only got soft tissue injury and I'm having to use crutches. A week later and I still have a really bad left hand and foot. My bg's have gone up since I fell. I can't believe that they are still elevated after a week. Does this sound right?
Sorry to hear about your fall spirit i hope you were not alone when this happened, the fall will have shaken you up obviously and the stress of it could still be going on now, so maybe thats somethiing to do with it, your certainly having to make more effort to walk at the moment if you get me then usual , are you on any meds for the pain? x
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I hope you are feeling better and getting more mobile.

The stress from the fall, being in pain and the difficulty getting about would cause the levels to rise. A couple or three years ago when I fell and hit my head I was walking round for about a week with a blsck eye, it took quite a few days for the sugar levels to settle down again.
Spiritfree - other thing to consider is physical activity levels. It's harder work to get about on crutches than walk normally, but you might be compensating by moving less, and, if it were me, not being able to cycle would take away lots of my physical activity. However, stress would also rise your levels. Pain in your hand would make crutch use more difficult, so it would make sense to limit movement to essesntial, so both hand and foot can rest and heal.

Have you adjusted your basal rates of insulin? (I'm assuming that you are on MDI / basal bolus regime) Did the health professionals who treated you prescribe / recommend any painkillers? Are you taking some?
Sorry to hear..

Yep any injury can cause elevated BG while it's healing..

Even some of the minor ones, I was knocked over last year by a collie sustained a broken finger, I wasn't surprised that my BG went up at first, but was surprised by how long they stayed elvated for.. In my case several weeks
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