After a few a couple of months on dexcom one

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I thought after of a couple of months dexcom one I would share my thoughts. I think it's probably mostly helping me to make decisions(or make them the best as I can) I've not had one clonked out on me before it was time(there was one that went a bit haywhire towards the end but when I pulled it out the next day the fillerment had bent upwards so that explained that). It was especially useful on my a few shifts working as elf(shame that didn't last aboustlly loved that job) as a couple of times i got so busy i hadn't actually looked ar ur for a while bur ir alertwd me to a drop. have been ill a bit recently and it's made keeping an eye on things easier. It's also mostly very accurate and haven't Also doubled checked highs or lows if I'm honest as when I have it's been very close so I have sometimes treated bassed of what ut said because i could believe it.

of course there is sometimes I find myself looking but overall I think it's helping make decisions
That’s really great that dexcom one seems to work for you @rayray119 . Libre doesn’t work for everyone
That’s really great that dexcom one seems to work for you @rayray119 . Libre doesn’t work for everyone
Libre was a real nightmare for me to points I completely gave up and went relied solely on finger pricking I don't wear my dexcom one sensors in the same area I wore my libre seasors though so wonder if that has something to do with it(the fillment does go in at different angle as so wonder if that's what makes it work better for some people)
Libre was a real nightmare for me to points I completely gave up and went relied solely on finger pricking I don't wear my dexcom one sensors in the same area I wore my libre seasors though so wonder if that has something to do with it(the fillment does go in at different angle as so wonder if that's what makes it work better for some people)
Possibly. Some people’s body chemistry just prefers one type of sensor to another
I had a lot of problems with libre, but dexcom works really well for me. The important thing is get get a cgm you can trust
I had a lot of problems with libre, but dexcom works really well for me. The important thing is get get a cgm you can trust
Yeah to add to it's trustworthyness the sesonor I inserted earlier I somehow managed to accidently stop the sensor session during the warm up period even though it gives you an are yo sure message abd thought to myself "on know stuffed that up now haven't I" but I rented the sensor code and its just finished warming up again and it's very Frist reading said 6.8 and a figer prick said 6.9 i mean like wow how super accomplished is that.
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