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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ive been diabetic now for 3 years, 2 of them was on insulin, my sugars were averaging around 5 - 6, because i was controlling my sugars the diabetic nurse advised to come off the insulin and continue taking metoformin. My sugars have been rising gradually over the last few months I have good days and bad.

My doctor has since put me on statin and I've noticed my sugars are starting to hit constantly 10 when I'm not at work. When I'm at work my sugars generally come down to around 6. Is 10 too high or should I be going back to the doctor. There some days where I constantly need to sleep and feel high as a kite if you can understand that.. I feel the statins are too blame.

Thanks for any help.
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Hi @whyaye176 🙂 Your avatar says you’re Type 1 - is that right? Type 1s need insulin. If you can explain a little more about your diagnosis, you’ll get more tailored suggestions.

Why were you taken off insulin?
Hi @whyaye176 🙂 Your avatar says you’re Type 1 - is that right? Type 1s need insulin. If you can explain a little more about your diagnosis, you’ll get more tailored suggestions.

Why were you taken off insulin?
Thankyou for the reply. I was type 1. Now type 2
Thankyou for the reply. I was type 1. Now type 2
That is a very odd way round, many people are diagnosed as Type 2 but turn out to be Type 1, they are very different conditions. Did you have the diagnostic tests which excluded Type 1 (c-peptide and GAD antibody tests).
Did they explain why they thought you no longer needed insulin.
Thankyou for the reply. I was type 1. Now type 2
That cannot happen! Are you saying you were misdiagnosed as T1, and later having run the necessary tests, proved to be T2? Which actual tests have they done to confirm your type?
Blame the pandemic...

I was seen during covid my sugars were 26. They put me on insulin and monitored me for about 6 weeks. They didn't actually diagnose me just gave Mr insulin. My sugars came down to 5.

1 year later and no review which I had to chase They re done my hb1c and got told I was doing well and to come off insulin and continue with my metoformin.
Thankyou for the reply. I was type 1. Now type 2

Ok - so misdiagnosed initially? Just to be clear - more for general browsers than you - being on insulin doesn’t necessarily mean a person is Type 1. Some Type 2s take insulin. Type 1 and Type 2 are very different conditions.

Anyway, if you feel there’s still doubt about your diagnosis, then you could ask for additional tests: a C Peptide and the Type 1 antibodies test (Type 1 is an auto-immune condition). Can I ask what you’re eating and a general idea of your blood sugar through the day? That might give more information.

Most Type 2s find they have to watch the amount of carbs they eat if they’re diet/Metformin-treated. The ‘correct’ amount will vary for the individual, but if you’re eating a fair few carbs, gradually reducing those might help your blood sugar.

Out of interest, what insulins were you taking and how much of each?
Hi, statins do raise BS a bit. They are not a diabetes drug, of course, but there to help with cholesterol. I hope your doctor prescribed them based on your blood test cholesterol levels and didn't just prescribe them 'because you have diabetes'. Make sure your next blood tests include a 'lipids' panel to check your cholesterol level and to ensure your level isn't now too low and needing a dose reduction.
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