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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Can a blood glucose reading of 18.7 drop by adjusting diet only ? I'm not on any meds but recently bought a glucometer after having night sweats,feeling thirsty and frequent edge to go the bathroom,I'm concerned.
Did you buy the glucose meter after an HbA1C test at the GP’s @Godfather or did you buy it off your own back because of your symptoms?

What time of day was the 18.7 you got? Have you tested since?

If you haven’t seen a GP, you should see one. You’d then have a proper diagnostic test and know where you stand. Type 2 diabetes can be improved by diet but Type 1 can’t and needs insulin (it’s an auto-immune condition leading to the destruction of the crucial insulin-producing cells in the pancreas).
@Inca is absolutely right @Godfather.

The answer to your question is yes, quite high blood glucose levels can be adjusted by diet but your starting point must be to see your GP and get some proper diagnostic tests done and have a full assessment carried out. You can only work out a best way forward when you know where you are starting from.
Sorry to hear about you high level @Godfather

Home BG monitors have to operate within accuracy requirements, but even so they aren’t really designed for diagnostic purposes, they are better suited to ongoing day to day management.

It may have been a rogue strip, or an unusual result, but you should speak to your GP, explain your symptoms, and ask for an HbA1c which gives an indication of general glucose levels over the previous 3-4 months.

Let us know what you find out 🙂
Did you buy the glucose meter after an HbA1C test at the GP’s @Godfather or did you buy it off your own back because of your symptoms?

What time of day was the 18.7 you got? Have you tested since?

If you haven’t seen a GP, you should see one. You’d then have a proper diagnostic test and know where you stand. Type 2 diabetes can be improved by diet but Type 1 can’t and needs insulin (it’s an auto-immune condition leading to the destruction of the crucial insulin-producing cells in the pancreas).
No I haven't done an HbA1C test ,I just bought based on symptoms.
I bought the test last night I tested it was about 16 I ate late in the night and tested this morning at 6 and got a reading of 18.7

Does sound like you should get yourself checked out @Godfather
Thank you very much ,I'm feeling stressed and a fear of the unknown as well.

Perfectly understandable. But better to know for sure, then you can work out a way forwards. Diabetes (if it does end up being that) is potentially a very serious condition, but it’s also one that can usually be very well managed with a few tweaks and changes. It shouldn’t stop you doing things you want to do.

In fact, many forum members say that their diabetes became a sort of catalyst for making positive changes that they had meant to do for years but never quite got around to. Lots of folks here found that once they’d worked out how to live well alongside their diabetes they actually feel fitter, healthier and more energised than they have in years. Some even say that various other long-term ailments and niggles have been significantly improved or gone away entirely as a result of the changes they made to help their diabetes 🙂
Perfectly understandable. But better to know for sure, then you can work out a way forwards. Diabetes (if it does end up being that) is potentially a very serious condition, but it’s also one that can usually be very well managed with a few tweaks and changes. It shouldn’t stop you doing things you want to do.

In fact, many forum members say that their diabetes became a sort of catalyst for making positive changes that they had meant to do for years but never quite got around to. Lots of folks here found that once they’d worked out how to live well alongside their diabetes they actually feel fitter, healthier and more energised than they have in years. Some even say that various other long-term ailments and niggles have been significantly improved or gone away entirely as a result of the changes they made to help their diabetes 🙂
Thank you very much for the motivation and encouraging words I will have courage and do the right thing
I bought the test last night I tested it was about 16 I ate late in the night and tested this morning at 6 and got a reading of 18.7

Ok, definitely a need to see a doctor then @Godfather When you phone then, do mention your symptoms as well as your blood sugar readings. Those are quite high readings, so you need them checking out.

Have you had any other symptoms recently like unexpected weight loss?

Don’t worry. The HbA1C will give you solid information and you then know where you are and the best way to sort things. It’s a positive thing, so try not to worry too much. Please let us know your result and how you are.
If you have difficulty getting a GP appointment, I went through the eConsult option at my surgery when I was diagnosed.
Sent off a proforma email with my symptoms and suspicions on the Sunday night, got an email back the next day from the GP saying an appointment had been made for a blood test with the nurse the next day and got the results the day after.

I appreciate that not everyone's GP practice offers this facility but worth using it if they do. I never needed to see a GP at all for my diabetes, as the nurse gave me the result of my blood test ie. diagnosis and took over my treatment and referred me to the diabetes clinic after that. I found it much less stressful dealing with the nurse than a GP and she was more knowledgeable than the GP as regards diabetes anyway.
Ok, definitely a need to see a doctor then @Godfather When you phone then, do mention your symptoms as well as your blood sugar readings. Those are quite high readings, so you need them checking out.

Have you had any other symptoms recently like unexpected weight loss?

Don’t worry. The HbA1C will give you solid information and you then know where you are and the best way to sort things. It’s a positive thing, so try not to worry too much. Please let us know your result and how you are.
Thankyou very much ,yes I have lost some weight it's something that I could not really notice myself but other people said so
Thankyou very much ,yes I have lost some weight it's something that I could not really notice myself but other people said so

Weight loss can be a symptom of Type 1 diabetes. If you do have Type 1, that would need urgent attention. If you haven’t yet phoned your GP, do mention the weight loss.
Good day
I managed to book an appointment with the doctor I have done blood tests twice they called this morning and said I'm type 2 diabetic ,since that day I last posted here I started eating well and exercising the numbers have been dropping by day in the morning when I wake up it now reads between 4,7 -5,6 during the day maximum is now 6.5 7,7 I haven't taken any meds yet frequently going to the bathroom has stopped,no longer feeling very thirsty,my energy levels coming back to normal ,but I have a Question I recently got a job offer for nights starting a 18:00 finishing at 06:00am I am a mechanic for HGVs and 41 this year will this affect me and my health in any way? Any input will be greatly appreciated thank you in advance.
Hi @Godfather - like you I had a very high reading on a glucose meter and further to making similar changes to you my readings fell to be similar to yours now. My HBA1c fell into the non-diabetic range and has been there for 2 years now.

In addition to changing diet and exercising more my sleep improved a lot as I removed a major source of stress. I have found whenever I veer from the diet, or stop exercising, or have poor sleep, after the second day my blood glucose readings start creeping up. So for me I think I'll have to keep discipline on all three fronts.

I am not sure if working nights will affect you as we are all different. I think it would affect me as I have never worked nights before and would find it difficult to sleep during the day due to where I live not being as quiet during the day. I am not sure if would be possible depending on your current work commitments, but I'd be tempted to try it and see how it affects you/your readings before making a permanent commitment.
Thank you
Hi @Godfather - like you I had a very high reading on a glucose meter and further to making similar changes to you my readings fell to be similar to yours now. My HBA1c fell into the non-diabetic range and has been there for 2 years now.

In addition to changing diet and exercising more my sleep improved a lot as I removed a major source of stress. I have found whenever I veer from the diet, or stop exercising, or have poor sleep, after the second day my blood glucose readings start creeping up. So for me I think I'll have to keep discipline on all three fronts.

I am not sure if working nights will affect you as we are all different. I think it would affect me as I have never worked nights before and would find it difficult to sleep during the day due to where I live not being as quiet during the day. I am not sure if would be possible depending on your current work commitments, but I'd be tempted to try it and see how it affects you/your readings before making a permanent commitment.
Thank you very much I will also stick to proper eating,get enough sleep and exercise have been doing this ,I feel a huge change .
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