advice required

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Didnt feel great during the night nothing specific just couldnt sleep, got back to sleep and got up at 10am had breakfast as usual (porridge) and thought I feel a bit crap have just tested my bg and I am up at 16.8. Not sure what I should do? Do I take another Metformin and test after another hour or so? I feel fine apart from being tired. Any advice grately appreciated.
Didnt feel great during the night nothing specific just couldnt sleep, got back to sleep and got up at 10am had breakfast as usual (porridge) and thought I feel a bit crap have just tested my bg and I am up at 16.8. Not sure what I should do? Do I take another Metformin and test after another hour or so? I feel fine apart from being tired. Any advice grately appreciated.

Some depends on what time you normally have breakfast at, I always have breakfast between 07.00 and 08.00.

It is possible you migh have an infection, cold, sniffles or something on the way, when you're not 100% your levels can rise without explanation. This may also be accounted for with you feeling tired for no reason.

My understanding on Metformin is that it controls and absorption of carbohydrate in the gut and isn't instant after taking a tablet, an increase in tablets could take a couple of days to get into the system.

I'm keep an eye on your levels, be very controlled in what you and how much you eat, drink lots and monitor your levels and general health for the next day or two. If it's still high with no reasonable explanation an appointment with your doc wouldn't go amiss.

Hope you're back on your feet soon.
As Einstein says, metformin slows absorption and takes a while to build up. As Type 2 I've found best way of bringing blood glucose levels down rapidly is to cut right back on the starchy carbs for 24 hours, drink plenty of non-carb fluids and once below about 14 take some gentle/moderate exercise - usually a walk for about an hour.

Some of us find that porridge is a real no-no as a breakfast food tho so do re-check - as your body gets going and your insulin resistance reduces you might find that you drop without doing much else. For me 30g porridge oats (with water) and a fasting level of 5.5 would have me running at 10 or 11 2 hours post brekkie but by 4 hours I would be heading towards a hypo.
Many thanks guys, will keep an eye on it over the next few days.
I'm on metformin. If my levels are runnng high and I sleep, it's normally a sign I have a cold or am about to go down with something. Make sure you have plenty of unsweetend fluids and keep as warm as you can. I find if I'm too high and take an extra metformin it puts my system completly out for about 24 hours.

If you're worried there is no harm in talking to your doctor or phoning NHS direct for further advice. up at 10am had breakfast as usual (porridge) and thought I feel a bit crap have just tested my bg and I am up at 16.8............
Hi Cazscot,

If that had happened to me then I wouldn't have looked any further than the porridge - because that is what it does to me.

I doubt whether another metfomin will have any effect on such a situation.

Best wishes - John
Didnt feel great during the night nothing specific just couldnt sleep, got back to sleep and got up at 10am had breakfast as usual (porridge) and thought I feel a bit crap have just tested my bg and I am up at 16.8. Not sure what I should do? Do I take another Metformin and test after another hour or so? I feel fine apart from being tired. Any advice grately appreciated.

Hi there,
You ate porridge and it clobbered you ( depends what the portion size was of course and how it was made).
What should you do ?
read jennifer's Smart Advice first ..

And then Alan S's summary on Test and Adjust ..
Thanks have just re-tested and now down to 9.0 still a bit high but not as high as I was. Many thanks for all your replies.
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