Advice pls


Relationship to Diabetes
Other Type
Hi I have type 2 diabetes and prior to this was pred diabetic and had gestational diabetes. My HbA1c is 51 at moment maintained on medication and well controlled diet not so. I take Metformin x4 a day and emplag x1. I have just done by blood as I am really shaky, feeling faint and gone really pale had just finished the ironing (which this normally happens) my level was 5.9 which should be normal. Do you think it’s related to diabetes. Just having something to eat to see if that helps and will test again in about 10 mins
Hi I have type 2 diabetes and prior to this was pred diabetic and had gestational diabetes. My HbA1c is 51 at moment maintained on medication and well controlled diet not so. I take Metformin x4 a day and emplag x1. I have just done by blood as I am really shaky, feeling faint and gone really pale had just finished the ironing (which this normally happens) my level was 5.9 which should be normal. Do you think it’s related to diabetes. Just having something to eat to see if that helps and will test again in about 10 mins
That does seem a pretty normal level, if you had been standing for a while your blood pressure may have dropped a bit. You could be dehydrated as with the empagliflozin you need to drink plenty.
I hope you are feeling better now you have eaten something.
That does seem a pretty normal level, if you had been standing for a while your blood pressure may have dropped a bit. You could be dehydrated as with the empagliflozin you need to drink plenty.
I hope you are feeling better now you have eaten something.
That makes sense as it’s normally an hour. Aww thank you has gone up now but still feeling a little shaky so just chilling now xx
If your body has become used to running higher BGs then it drops to 5.9 you may be experiencing what is known as a "false hypo" where you get hypo symptoms at normal levels.