Advice please??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was prediabetic for a year and although I changed my diet (and lost a lot of stomach fat - I am NOT overweight) my HbA1c went up and I became diabetic 4 months ago, at which point I was put on Metformin (1x500mg morning and evening). I have really concentrated hard on what I eat since then, and using a Libre2 and seeing what spiked me, plus the effect of the Metformin, have just reduced my HbA1c to 43. I'm told I will always be a diet-controlled diabetic, but this reduced HbA1c must mean something good? Can I occasionally eat a pudding and risk a spike now? Do I worry less about my heart/fats? Can I reduce the Metformin? Or does it really make no difference at all and I must continue exactly as I have over the last 4 months? Can anybody tell me?
I think that is the downfall of many, they think they can go back to old eating habits or just let things slide gradually and before they know it they are back to where they started.
So maybe have the treats once in a while but once the treats become a daily thing then that is when alarm bells should ring.
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