Advice please

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm absolutely gutted just got back my blood results and I've gone backwards, my numbers last year were 54, 48 then 41 and I thought I was doing so well, today my GP messaged I'm 58. I so don't want to go on medication. Do you think this is to high for me to try again over the next 6months to get on track again.
I'm really surprised and scared by it.
Things must have slipped with your dietary regime, it is easy to become complacent and portions gradually increase or those few extra carbs creep in. If you haven't already got one then a blood glucose monitor that you can use to identify problem foods and meals so you can make adjustments. You have done it before so no reason why not again but this time you have to find a regime which is sustainable and enjoyable. This link may help you take a new look at your diet, it is a way forward that the surgery that developed the program had success with for their Type 2 patients.
Things must have slipped with your dietary regime, it is easy to become complacent and portions gradually increase or those few extra carbs creep in. If you haven't already got one then a blood glucose monitor that you can use to identify problem foods and meals so you can make adjustments. You have done it before so no reason why not again but this time you have to find a regime which is sustainable and enjoyable. This link may help you take a new look at your diet, it is a way forward that the surgery that developed the program had success with for their Type 2 patients.
Thankyou, I'll have a look
Hi @Karen999. A bit of a disappointment for you to see your HbA1c to go back up but to me 58 is more a wake up call rather than a danger signal.

If you look back over the last 6 months or so can you spot anything that might account for it? Has your weight gone up? Are you taking less exercise? Has your diet changed? If you can see anything then that will give you some clues on the way forward.
Hi @Karen999. A bit of a disappointment for you to see your HbA1c to go back up but to me 58 is more a wake up call rather than a danger signal.

If you look back over the last 6 months or so can you spot anything that might account for it? Has your weight gone up? Are you taking less exercise? Has your diet changed? If you can see anything then that will give you some clues on the way forward.
Thankyou for that I have definitely done less excercise, I can't put my finger on what I've changed food wise but Its possible my dinners are bigger. A wake up call feels so much better to concentrate on gives me a bit of hope medication is not the only course open to me.
There's a couple of things you can work on. Mission creep, which in diabetes terms means slowly increasing the amount of carbohydrate you are eating, is all too easy. Maybe a food diary might help you to keep an eye on things.
You could try myfitness pal or similar apps to record what you are eating? Hope you get a handle on it.
Sorry to hear you’ve had an unexpectedly high HbA1c result @Karen999, but try not to panic, and be kind to yourself. You have already shown that you can manage your diabetes very effectively before, and diabetes is a marathon not a sprint 🙂

I think winter can be a trickier time for diabetes management. Especially with the colder, wetter weather making it trickier to be out and about as much, and the temptation to snuggle inside with comforting meals and snacks. Not to mention Christmas (and the comedown afterwards) and all the temptations that can bring.

Hopefully with this little numerical nudge, and the days lengthening and brightening you will find renewed focus, and it will be easier to be a bit more active.

Onwards and downwards! 🙂
Hi @Karen999. To echo others, this looks like more of a wake up call, rather than a disaster. Firstly, it is only one result, so may be a blip, not a trend. The seriousness of that number depends on other risk factors you have, on which your GP can advise. In my case, when hitting a number that high, the GP has agreed to me working on my diet and exercise, to then test again before prescribing any medication. This because I have low blood pressure and low body mass index, and no adverse cardiac history. Given the great progress you've made so far, I would hope you'll be given the chance to "turn things back round".
As others have said, it's easy to slide back into less healthy habits when you think you've got on top of it. Thankfully, each time I have done so I've been able to turn it around and get back to an acceptable HbA1c number, so I'm sure you can do the same.
Best of luck.
Some years ago I had a Hba1c test done just after I'd had 'flu' or some other similar infection, and my Hba1c was raised - I was not told at the time - it was the start of Covid, and by the time I got to know about it, it was back to normal.

There are a lot of people being told they are diabetic, and then at their next test finding they are back to normal - so many that there is a thought that it could be a hang over from Covid. One of the morris team I play for has seen this - took my advice on low carb and lost two stone though, but was only slightly plump - she's also lost two decades in her apparent age too.
thankyou for your helpful uplifting advice, I have agreed with the DN 3 months to get my numbers back on track before considering medication. Had to be quite determined but I really want to live without medication if possible.
thankyou for your helpful uplifting advice, I have agreed with the DN 3 months to get my numbers back on track before considering medication. Had to be quite determined but I really want to live without medication if possible.
Well done you! I have been through that conversation a few times myself over the years. I suppose they need to be sure that you are determined, rather than just casually agreeing with you, to give you extra incentive to prove yourself to them. I'm sure you'll manage it, and keep off the medication, if your body allows. Good luck! Nick
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