Advice please?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed in August and received some good advice from this forum. I went off to try and find my own path and opted for reducing carbs and trying to exercise more. It's been hard but I felt that I was making progress. I've lost about 18 lbs , though I wasn't overweight by much to start off with. I'm T2D and not on medication. I joined a new fb page and some of the advice on it is conflicting with the route I've taken. Someone is saying that the low carb is actually dangerous and what I should be doing is going vegan. My head is actually all over the place with all the conflicting advice. Can anyone help?
@Annieshar The simple answer is that there are a number of possible diets. It’s up to you as to what works for you - for your blood sugar, your general health, your family situation, your weight, etc.

There is a lot of conflicting advice. I try to read up as much as I can and then make an informed decision. That’s all you can do. If someone suggests a diet, look at it, read around it (both pros and cons) then make your own personal decision. Sometimes you might be able to mix things up a bit eg vegan two days a week or whatever. I tend to do that - for peace of mind as much as anything.

One thing you shouldn’t do though is get stressed. It sounds like you’re doing well.
As Inka says you pretty much have to do what's right for you.
Lots of Facebook groups are populated by people with extraordinarily passionately held views about what others ought to be doing and they are themselves frequently very happy to share those views.Take them all with a pinch of salt.

Coming here, where we are all clearly not pushing products and it's also a moderated forum don't forget, is a much better bet. We can't give you 100% certain answers but what we can do is give you multiple examples of what's worked and what we've struggled with in our own diabetes journey. Hopefully that at least gives you enough information and confidence to find your own path through this.
@Annieshar the definition of diabetes is being unable to deal with carbohydrates - so maybe you can understand why low carb is so successful for type twos. It was derided back in the 1800's - when it was called Banting, it was derided in the 1970s when it was Atkins and it still works now, so it is dangerous, but not for the reasons the nay-sayers give.
Thank you I'm beginning to realise this. Can I ask what the Newcastle diet is?

The ‘Newcastle diet’ is shorthand for several linked clinical studies which have used a short period of very low calorie dieting to encourage weight loss that has been shown to put diabetes into remission.

You can read more about the study here:

And I think there is also a book‘life-without-diabetes’-by-professor-roy-taylor.84970/
@Annieshar the definition of diabetes is being unable to deal with carbohydrates - so maybe you can understand why low carb is so successful for type twos. It was derided back in the 1800's - when it was called Banting, it was derided in the 1970s when it was Atkins and it still works now, so it is dangerous, but not for the reasons the nay-sayers give.
The world has moved on a lot in 200 years to be fair to us diabetics.
  • type 2 diabetes – where the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body's cells do not react to insulin

Many of us react differently to carbohydrates, in varying forms, and varying degrees.

I react completely normally now, after I reversed my type 2 on the Newcastle diet as, linked to above.
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