Advice please

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Chrissie Wa

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Evening, I'm just wondering what to do about my T2 OH. We had quite a heavy weekend (scones, cream tea, night in a hotel, dessert etc) but we're back to normal last night and he had his tablets and a normal breakfast this morning, after his lunch he said he wasn't feeling too well so he went to bed. I went up at about 6 and he said he wanted nothing to eat and had a bit of a stomach ache and had an upset stomach. Personally if it was me, non-diabetic, I'd try to sleep it off but is it safe to leave him? He has been drinking water. Any tips? Tia
Good morning. I'm surprised I've had no replies. I'm guessing it was a little bug as he's got up this morning and will carry on as normal. 18 hours or so without food. Is that likely to cause a problem later on? Tia
Hi Chrissie, saw your post and thought that I would need to ask loads of questions before making any comment and that things would resolve themselves before I got answers. Looks like it has and thats good. Could be, if your OH is controlling things by diet, that his body was reacting to the battering it got from the carbs. Hope the weekend was worth it!
Thanks for the reply, probably not, i think it might have scared him a bit! He takes 1 x glidipion per day, and today he got the call for his 6 months check up so we'll see! He ended up in hospital 2 years ago, never got to the bottom of it but I'm convinced it was linked to the diabetes. It's a very complicated and confusing disease to be sure!
What were his blood sugars like?
I don’t know he didn’t test, he has a new machine from last doc visit he says it’s too difficult plus he gets sore fingers
That really should've been first port of call, if eating a lot carbs his blood sugars probably became very high which can make you feel dreadful and have a bad stomach etc

I get the sore fingers, I tested at least 8 times a day up until the beginning of this year but I wouldn't stop testing, it could mean I end up no longer here

I'd suggest if it happens again you guys check his bloods and take action from there, although DKA is less likely in Type 2's it can still happen and can be fatal so if sugars are high I'd test for ketones and if that means buying keto sticks from the chemist that you wee on then I suggest you do
Sorry to hear your husband had a tough time @Chrissie Wa.

Hope the 6 month check gives him some good feedback, and the experience (while unpleasant) provides a catalyst to make some positive changes.

Might be worth asking his diabetes nurse about alternative lancing devices and/or how to change depth settings on the one he uses as it should be possible to check BG virtually pain-free these days. Does he use the sides of the fingers? Far fewer nerve endings there.
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