Advice please - travelling with Bydureon once a week pens

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am travelling for about 4 weeks. I cannot find an injection cool bag (like the frio's) large enough to keep them cool. They each measure 25cm x 5cm x 5cm when in their packing. Can anyone advise please?
I understand that Bydureon pens can be kept at room temp for at least four weeks, so I'd suggest that unless you are encountering very high temperatures or staying in places without access to a fridge, you could just carry them as normal and pop them in the fridge in your room in each place you arrive.
I understand that Bydureon pens can be kept at room temp for at least four weeks, so I'd suggest that unless you are encountering very high temperatures or staying in places without access to a fridge, you could just carry them as normal and pop them in the fridge in your room in each place you arrive.
Thank you DeusXM. I have a fridge in most places I stay so that's ok but some days travelling all day with luggage and temperatures will be over the 25 degrees. Also to get to Hotel in South America from home I am travelling 24 hours if not delayed. I could use a normal cool bag with small frozen pack inside but dont want to freeze the liquid in the syringe. Not sure that its ok to do this. My Surgery pharmacist said not to leave out of the fridge at all. Very confusing.
Thank you DeusXM. I have a fridge in most places I stay so that's ok but some days travelling all day with luggage and temperatures will be over the 25 degrees. Also to get to Hotel in South America from home I am travelling 24 hours if not delayed. I could use a normal cool bag with small frozen pack inside but dont want to freeze the liquid in the syringe. Not sure that its ok to do this. My Surgery pharmacist said not to leave out of the fridge at all. Very confusing.
We have a member who posts of using a thermos but I have not seen any posts from her for few weeks.
We have a member who posts of using a thermos but I have not seen any posts from her for few weeks.
I was going to suggest the thermos option also. A small steel thermos flask with the pens in and filled with cold water will keep them cool and protect them from damage (not sure whether you would need to seal them in a plastic bag if water might affect the mechanism of the pens) 🙂
I could use a normal cool bag with small frozen pack inside but dont want to freeze the liquid in the syringe. Not sure that its ok to do this. My Surgery pharmacist said not to leave out of the fridge at all. Very confusing.

I'll admit, my experience with Bydureon is non-existent but based on the patient leaflet I found online, it sounds like its storage is on a par with insulin. Definitely says you can leave it out at temperatures of 25C for four weeks but if you're likely to encounter higher temperatures, the thermos option suggested by others is your best bet. You're absolutely right to be wary about a coolbag with a frozen pack in it - you will put your medication at very high risk of freezing, which is enough to destroy insulin, and would likely be enough to kill Bydureon too.
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