Advice on multivitamins or supplements to help hair growth!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone,

Can anyone recommend any good multivitamins to help with hair growth please?
Hi Ellie2311, welcome to the forum.

It's worth checking for any vitamin deficiencies if your hair isn't growing as expected as issues with hair can often be a symptom however, if all is well, Biotin has been shown to produce good results.
Hi Ellie2311, welcome to the forum.

It's worth checking for any vitamin deficiencies if your hair isn't growing as expected as issues with hair can often be a symptom however, if all is well, Biotin has been shown to produce good results.
Thank you, I hadn't thought about checking for vitamin deficiencies but will speak to my GP! Yes Biotin I know of from the research i've done so far.
Have you had your thyroid function checked @Ellie2311 ?

I believe hypothyroid can sometimes lead to hair loss.
I have autoimmune alopecia. After quite some time trying different things and having tests for the antibodies I saw a hospital Consultant Dermatologist about hair loss and he said the only thing that might work was Regaine for Men. It's a foam you rub in externally and indeed it did work, quite well for quite some time. Unfortunately I then developed a scalp problem (not caused by Regaine) and I became allergic to it and it stung too much to use any more. Otherwise try Silica Complex which is for hair and nails. It works for my nails.

Regaine is much cheaper online than in Boots!
With thyroid function tests what they measure is the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) which, as most things, has a range of "Normal". Reference range: TSH: 0.27 - 4.2 mU/L, however this range seems to vary in different areas (or it did when there was a conversation on the subject in DSF a while back). I only feel well if mine is in the lower end of the range. Some Doctors won't treat if you are slightly over the range, but that's actually not very helpful as individuals vary and some may require treatment when their TSH is lower. Can you ask for your actual result number @Ellie2311 ?
I do better with mine nearer 1 than the 3.75 it shot up to last year but a doctor I dislike did the medication review and assured me 3.75 was perfectly normal - well yes indeed it is - but not if yours has been under 1 for a decade courtesy of medication prescribed by hospital consultants and has been creeping upwards over the last 12 months - but didn't waste my energy at that time arguing, as I had a telephone hosp appointment some weeks later during which the consultant dealt with my D and then said Now, about your Thyroid - at which I burst out laughing and said I'm glad you're raising this, otherwise I was about to, and related what had happened with the GP surgery. At which I swear I heard him snigger and pictured him grinning at me as he seamlessly said 'Well we tend to take a different view of such things at this end' - and increased my Thyroxine dose a little. Now 1.27 so still not quite as low as previously - so we'll have to see next time.
Thank you ladies for the thyroid info as this is all new to me! I don't think I have a thyroid problem as my bloods from my last review were all within normal range including blood sugars (after going on low carb sugar (keto) diet since being diagnosed diabetic in Feb).

The hair thinning/hair loss i'm having at the moment is most likely due to the medications (sukkarto metformin and ramipril) i've been on last 6 months! GP said its most likely my BP med ramipril that's caused the hair loss but have now switched to a different BP med and have only been on it a few weeks! Whilst my body gets used to the new BP meds, I've been trying to think of ways to lessen the hair loss grrr so have been using caffeine shampoo Plantur 39 daily and i've started taking Wellwoman MVs since yesterday!

Are there any better multivitamins or suggestions that anyone recommends to improve hair growth?
Hello everyone,

Can anyone recommend any good multivitamins to help with hair growth please?
I researched vitamins but came to the conclusion they aren't a whole lot of use if meds or medical condition like my underactive Thyroid is causing this hair loss. Hopefully just temporary and i can recommend Toppik hair fibres in the meantime which have helped me a lot to disguise the thinning and hide the shiny scalp. I have used Plantur too but i'm not sure if this is just grabbing at straws and does any good whatsoever.
@trophywench i have exactly same conversation with my GP and managed to get my Levo increased a bit bringing me from 2.95 to 1.06. I had my BP checked yesterday and it was 151 over 95 not the usual 128 over 80 i put this down to stress of dentist and cat having to be put to sleep this week as my sugars have shot up too. But have read increasing Levo can raise BP. Can i ask if your BP has risen do you know?
Well it did - plus I could often feel my heart pounding with the slightest effort and the fact that's stopped and it's now back down to former lower levels, is a great relief and I daresay you'll form the same conclusion as I have - must be firmly connected to the thyroid and not very helpful when I'm ruddy old now and trying to deal with D, the coronavirus hoohah and concerned about my OH's health - don't think it's done my MH much good TBH. And I certainly did become much more critical and brusque with people (eg our Dr's surgery) on the phone - husband has said many times 'If I'd been on the other end of that phonecall - I'd have slammed the receiver down on you!'

Hopefully equilibrium has been restored somewhat but I didn't like me very much.
Hi Ellie2311, welcome to the forum.

It's worth checking for any vitamin deficiencies if your hair isn't growing as expected as issues with hair can often be a symptom however, if all is well, Biotin has been shown to produce good results.
Biotin does help with hair growth, however in high doses it interferes with a number of blood test mainly thyroid. Happened to me
@Ellie2311 - you GP said your last lot of bloods showed your thyroid to be fine. When were those bloods done?

Thyroid hormones are quite dynamic and even vary during our 24 hour cycle. When my own thyroid was going off-piste, my hormones stayed in-range for some time, just creeping ever closer to the hypothyroid range.

Personally, I always have my full results. This is much easier now I can access my medical records online. I have tracked all of my bloods, on a spreadsheet, since my T2 diagnosis in 2013, so I can recognise my usual running ranges, and trends where things might be going "a bit off".

You mention you are taking sukarto/metformin - have you had your Vitamin B12 levels tested? For some people taking metformin, their B12 elevels can drop. low B12 can also be implcated with heair loss.

Personally, I'm not one for supplementing vitamins or minerals unless there is a proven deficiency, because it is possible to overdose on some vitamins. Additionally, I wouldn't ever go for a "Well Woman"/Multivitamin style supplement, as they usually have a little bit of everything, but not enough of anything to make a difference to a person with a deficiency.

I feel for you. Hair loss is horrible and it's a big thing for both men and women in different ways. I used to detest the days of clearing our the shower drain strainer, fishing out enough hair to knit a mini-me.

I do hope you find some answers soon.
The previously mentioned Regaine Is the only treatment that has been shown to work in trials. Doesn’t work for everybody, but then no treatment does. Don’t bother with any vitamin supplements, that’s just money down the toilet if you have a healthy diet.
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