Advice needed

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Have been running slightly high for a few days after having a couple of lows pre Christmas but today changed insertion set pre breakfast- still high at lunch then got home after lunch and did 2 hour test and was 31.5! and ketones at 0.4!!!!! Panic :( Did correction using pump and drank water and tea then tested again after 2 hours- still 28 something! Changed reservoir and set and did another correction - two hours later down to 14.7 so going the right way- another correction and more fluids- no food
But the question is what has caused this- I am thinking my basal wasn't going in correctly in addition to my bolus either not being enough or not being absorbed correctly but why and what do I do?
Could have been a kinked cannula - I had this happen once and when it came out I could see the end was hooked and so insulin hadn't gone in. I also trapped the tube in a belt clip once, and once in the cannula attachment itself. Also I once had insulin drip outside the cannula instead of through it. Main thing is you noticed and did something about it, that's why we are recommended to test 2 hours after a set change! Hopefully it doesn't happen again for a while!
I checked cannula when I changed it and looked fine
As for drops it was a bit weird as both times they appeared really quickly but I kept pressing a bit longer to make sure
Your not heading for an illness, cold etc ? A pump is great & just a couple of pushes of buttons to get sorted. Good luck & I would have done the same as you. 😉
No don't think so -felt fine until this and now feeling nauseous on and off -sugars gone up again and ketones so phoned 111 as don't want to go to bed this high-waiti g for call back from ooh doctors
Hi Lindy. Is it possible your insulin has gone off? Could you try another vial? If the issue is the pump/cannulas being at fault have you tried correcting with a pen?
Hi Lindy. Is it possible your insulin has gone off? Could you try another vial? If the issue is the pump/cannulas being at fault have you tried correcting with a pen?
I changed vial when I changed insertion set-my next option is to use pen but worried as it is only short acting insulin that I will have to be ìnjecting every couple of hours through the night :(
image.jpg Hi Lindy

One thought is whether you increased your correction dose. If I am above 14 I find that I need mor insulin to do the corrections. I increase it but a percentage and increase that percentage as my levels go up. Have you been adivised in what to do for this?

If I have Ketones I also then use corrections based as a percentage of my TDD until I get rid of them. I also tend to use my pen for corrections when I have ketones as I want to know that the insulin has gone in, and I then buy some tmimime Ito sort out the problem if it is pump related.

I have set out what to do in these circumstances in a flowchart as I find this easier to follow. It is just an adaptation of the instructions I was given. Not sure whether it will help.

With BG that high you are not going to want to sleep so using the pen every two hours makes sense until you are back on target. Keep a watch on the ketones and if you start to feel ill getbhelp.
No don't think so -felt fine until this and now feeling nauseous on and off -sugars gone up again and ketones so phoned 111 as don't want to go to bed this high-waiti g for call back from ooh doctors
How are you managing now Lindy?
I hope that things settled and you got some sleep.
sugars settled by 4.45 in the morning and slept in a bit but were then low when I got up - been ok since - thanks
Glad things settled down.
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