Advice needed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

As some of you may be aware I had a baby at the end of january. I've lost 2 stone of the baby weight already through breastfeeding at the start and not having time to eat much 🙄 Anyway I'm desperate to loose another stone and have been staying off the chocolate etc. My problem is I tend to go on my exercise bike when I can fit it in round trying to look after Jess so I can't eat a meal and give myself less insulin and then exercise after. So I keep having hypo's after I've exercised, I feel like i'm undoing all my hard work by treating my hypo's. My question is what can I do before I exercise to keep my blood sugar steady after I've finished that won't undo my exercising? I really can't stand the taste of glucotabs so they are a no no.

Thank you.

Mini mars bars maybe. You will still exercise more than you eat or time your exercize around your meals and give less insulin than you need to cover the food.
It must be extremely tricky Emma! I still haven't quite got the whole timing thing sorted so I can just up and go for a run - I find I am still timing it around 90mins-2hours after eating/injecting. What I have done occasionally though, is to have a small glass of orange juice (125ml) immediately before if my levels are a little low for the exercise i.e. below 7 mmol. I find that this will then generally keep me at the same level when I have returned. What you should bear in mind is that, although you are eating more carb than you would like, the after-effect of the exercise will mean that you burn more calories for some considerable time afterwards. Also, better toned muscles will increase your metabolism so that your insulin requirements will probably gradually fall.

It might be an idea to reduce your basal insulin so that you run a little higher on it, this will give you an extra margin should your levels fall after exercise. I can't really think of a straightforward answer - except maybe to get a pump which would give you much more flexibility, but would obviously be hard to get hold of.
Don't know if this will help but I dog walk quite a lot and doc advised me to have a hard boiled sweet to help maintain my levels... might not be great if you are wanting to lose weight though but prob not as bad as eating to counteract your hypos. Hope you are enjoyed being a mum!!🙂
It must be extremely tricky Emma! I still haven't quite got the whole timing thing sorted so I can just up and go for a run - I find I am still timing it around 90mins-2hours after eating/injecting. What I have done occasionally though, is to have a small glass of orange juice (125ml) immediately before if my levels are a little low for the exercise i.e. below 7 mmol. I find that this will then generally keep me at the same level when I have returned. What you should bear in mind is that, although you are eating more carb than you would like, the after-effect of the exercise will mean that you burn more calories for some considerable time afterwards. Also, better toned muscles will increase your metabolism so that your insulin requirements will probably gradually fall.

It might be an idea to reduce your basal insulin so that you run a little higher on it, this will give you an extra margin should your levels fall after exercise. I can't really think of a straightforward answer - except maybe to get a pump which would give you much more flexibility, but would obviously be hard to get hold of.

Orange juice sounds like a good idea to me 🙂 and also I was planning on reducing my basal tonight too to make sure I don't keep having hypo's. Not keen on getting a pump and I don't think I'd get the funding anyway.

Exercise and losing weight can be very tricky for diabetics.

I always use 200ml fruit juice to treat hypo's so that is definitely better than sweets/biscuits/food.

I know we can't give specifics about treatment on here and I'm slightly different in that my exercise is at planned times - Tuesday and Thursday nights.

What works for me is to reduce my basal from 28 units to 26 units (roughly 10%) and I also take a lot less insulin with my next meal (roughly 50%). I must stress that this is what works for me, and I'm definitely not saying to reduce yours by the same.

But investigating reducing your slow/basal and then looking at your fast/bolus on the days you exercise is how most diabetic people I know handle exercise. You could always talk this over with your DSN.

Good luck,

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I reduced my basal last night and it was 14.3 when I woke up this morning 😡 It was 6.5 when I went to bed so I think I'm going to up it back to what it was before and just make sure I have some orange juice before I exercise tonight. I'm never going to loose any weight at this rate :(
I reduced my basal last night and it was 14.3 when I woke up this morning 😡 It was 6.5 when I went to bed so I think I'm going to up it back to what it was before and just make sure I have some orange juice before I exercise tonight. I'm never going to loose any weight at this rate :(

Wow, that's quite a rise😱 I wonder if the rise could have been due to dawn phenomenon at all? They do say that, normally, it takes about 3 days to see the full effect of a basal change. How much did you drop it by?
What type of exercise are you doing Emma? Im finding that doing a walk down town and back most days is just enough at the moment (its only 3 miles round trip) But my body is still adjusting I think... but im finding its better than nothing 😱
I was going to try something more aerobic to burn up the extra prego pounds as i have bout 6lb to lose before i get back to my ideal again!
I was going to do it an hour after breakfast as this is when my levels are higher but not too high lol
was also worried about dropping after doing something more strenuous so will see how doing it in the morning goes.. but if it dont work out then ill take northeners advice and maybe have some pure orange before hand 🙄
The 100% real orange one mind you..... least you will feel better knowing its one of your 5 a day!!hehe 😉

Its good to see your well enough now to work out Emma :D (think ill leave it another week yet lol) x
Wow, that's quite a rise😱 I wonder if the rise could have been due to dawn phenomenon at all? They do say that, normally, it takes about 3 days to see the full effect of a basal change. How much did you drop it by?

Yes it is, I reduced it by 2 units. I know they say it takes three days for the change in basal to be noticed so to speak but I've always found that the next day it's made quite an effect. I've had lots of problems with dawn phenomenon lately 🙄
What type of exercise are you doing Emma? Im finding that doing a walk down town and back most days is just enough at the moment (its only 3 miles round trip) But my body is still adjusting I think... but im finding its better than nothing 😱
I was going to try something more aerobic to burn up the extra prego pounds as i have bout 6lb to lose before i get back to my ideal again!
I was going to do it an hour after breakfast as this is when my levels are higher but not too high lol
was also worried about dropping after doing something more strenuous so will see how doing it in the morning goes.. but if it dont work out then ill take northeners advice and maybe have some pure orange before hand 🙄
The 100% real orange one mind you..... least you will feel better knowing its one of your 5 a day!!hehe 😉

Its good to see your well enough now to work out Emma (think ill leave it another week yet lol) x

How many weeks has it been since you had grace? Only in the last couple of weeks have I felt up to exercising properly again. I'm trying to do half hour walk with jessica and then an hour on my exercise bike every day so far i've stuck to it 😉 and I've cut out snacking as well.

Only do what you feel up to doing is my motto xxx
nearly 6 weeks Emma, I scored quite high on the pnd questionaire (prob wrong place to be talking about that tho:() so I decided getting out nearly everyday with her was better than sitting around? to be honest im not that botherd about losing weight I just wanted to be able to fit into my clothes which i pretty much do now, so if goes it goes lol
Good going cutting out the snacks emma, that will probably help you lose your weight quicker without as much effort :D x
Its difficult on mdi to change basals to suit exercise I know.

Its easier for me as im pumping although my exercise can be unplanned. I always check levels to start and depending what they are and what im doing i sip on an isotonic drink, yes they contain carbs but they digest slowly unlike orange or lucozade for example, they tend to keep me steady during and after exercise, i always lower my doses of basal/ratio too. I always test straight after exercising too.
nearly 6 weeks Emma, I scored quite high on the pnd questionaire (prob wrong place to be talking about that tho:() so I decided getting out nearly everyday with her was better than sitting around? to be honest im not that botherd about losing weight I just wanted to be able to fit into my clothes which i pretty much do now, so if goes it goes lol
Good going cutting out the snacks emma, that will probably help you lose your weight quicker without as much effort :D x

It's still early days then for feeling like your normal self. Yes that's my main reason too I can't fit into my clothes and I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe plus I've been heavier than i've wanted to be since putting weight back on after diagnosis 2 years ago. With any luck it'll fall off me 🙂 x
yeah it will not be long in coming off Emma once you start really getting into it, and you have worked round your levels 🙄
You actually seem really clued up about it all to be honest, I dont think 2 years is a long time at all and youve managed to do so much already! :D
I mean you probably given me more advice than i have you and thats me coming to my 21st anniversary (yep im that sad lol)😛

And yeah I think your right about the other thing, I think ill be feeling a lot better in another few weeks when im more able to start getting back to normal instead of feeling like a wee old woman hehe xx
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