Advice needed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Off to Wembley stadium on the 28th as my team, the mighty Southampton FC are in the Johnstones Paint trophy final.
Obviously as a type two diabetic i really shouldnt be drinking myself stupid, but i know i will.
My problem is with medication, should i continue with the Metformin or give it a miss for the day? if so when should i stop taking it, and when should i restart? i shall be drinking mainly lager from about 9 am til finish 11pm ish (if celebrating!)
I would normally ask my doctor but i would get a severe telling off and shes scary😉
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Hi Jeff, hope the Saints bring the trophy home! There should be a patient information leaflet with your metfrmin which will say if drinking alcohol is not recommended whilst taking them, so worth checking out. Hopefully, some T2s who have 'celebrated' in similar fashion will be able to relate their experiences! I'm a T1, so mine will be a little different, but I have found that drinking doesn't really affect my levels too badly - the liver stops putting out glucose whilst it is processing alcohol, so it sort of counteracts it a little. The main problems are the effect on your blood pressure, but I wouln't have thought one day is going to be hugely harmful (but I'm not a doctor!). As long as you are 'good' before, and especially after so your body gets a good chance to recover, enjoy the day!🙂
Hi Jeff sorry i cant help as i dont drink much at all , but i stopped taking my metformin for just short of a month and i got told off by the doc for even not taking it for one day, but as Northerner said if you read the leaflet you got with the met then it should explian to you about alcohol and metformin.

p.s hope the saints win for you.
I am not a sports fan or a drinker. I find as long as I am careful the day before and the day after, it doesn't hurt too much to stop the pills for 24 hours, but no more than that. By the sound of it, it's not going to be too easy to keep testing, but it might be sensible to tella couple of people you trust what's going on just in case. Ohter wise have a great day and enjoy yourself!
I suggest you speak to the scary Dr.

The PIL for Glucophage - which is the slow release type says you should stop taking it if you are due to have certain tests, it does not go beyond that but I would imagine it would mean checking with your Dr to see if anything else could be taken instead.

So there are circumstances were it is stopped temporarily.
Your Dr should understand if this is a one off and give you suitable advice - you might be able to have a telephone consultation.
I take 2 500mg S/R Metformin a day.

I rarely drink alcohol now through choice. I know a few people who drink alcohol and take Metformin. They seem to be OK. My doctor said the occasional drink was allowed.

I had three halfs of Guinness over about 2 hours recently at a friend's birthday bash and my numbers stayed about the same.

Have you thought of having shandy made with diet lemonade? They have that at my local as the landlord is diabetic!

It might be worth asking your pub if they sell diet lemonade and if they don't ask if you can bring your own in for them to add to your lager.
Hi there Jeff just wanted to say hope everything went ok diabetes wise today, and well come to the saints for a great win.73'000 crows as well thats great.
I m surprised anyone in southampton is awake after the alnight party that must have gone on !!😉:D
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