Advice needed please

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm so miserable
My gloucose went up to 58 from 43 and I once again got it down to 45 the diabetic nurse put alot of pressure on to go on meds but I wanted to try lower it again just got my results and it's up to 50. I'm gutted I've lost 2 1/2 stone. Walk everyday and drastically cut my carbs. I do not want to take meds , I've always had an over sensitive gut system.
do you think I'm being Naive to refuse medication.
Have you intentionally lost the weight, or has it fallen off without you trying?

If you have significantly cut carbs (to under 130g per day?) and that isn't helping keep your blood glucose down, you may need medication, but it may not be type 2 meds if low carb isn't helping. It might be worth asking about getting tested for type 1 in case you have LADA and the reason for HbA1c going up on low carb is that you aren't producing enough insulin.

Can you give us an idea of what an average day's food looks like to see if there is much wriggle room in your diet for further cuts that we might suggest low carb alternatives etc. Ie what is a typical breakfast, lunch and evening meal for you? Any snacks or fruit and what about drinks?
Knowing where you are with your diet now, gives us some idea of how realistic it might be to reduce and sustain your levels without medication or if you are one of those who need a bit of extra help via medication. There is no shame in that. Some people can manage remission but it isn't possible for everyone.
Don't let other people's bad experience of meds put you off. You might be absolutely fine with whatever you are prescribed provided you take it according to the advice on the Patient Information Leaflet. And if you have an adverse effect, that doesn't settle down after a week or so, then you can stop taking it and try something else. This is not a one time only decision, there are options. This time of year is harder to maintain lower levels, so maybe that is a factor to consider. 50 isn't a bad result and certainly a level that doesn't necessitate medication in my opinion but if you have given low carb a go and given weight loss a go and can't sustain your levels through that then maybe consider giving meds a go. Only you will know if you have let your diet slip a bit recently..... totally understandable if it has, so no judgement here. I certainly have had the odd treat the last few weeks, but I am fortunate to have insulin to cover it.
Perhaps if you would like to post some of the meals you are having people might spot some foods which may be a problem.
Having a blood glucose monitor if you haven't already so you could test the effect of meals would help you make better choices if you find that 2 hour post meal readings are above 8.5mmol/l.
You may find this link helpful for some ideas for modifying your diet.
Some people find they need to go lower than the suggested no more than 130g per day Total carbs to lower blood glucose without medication and keep it there.
Yes I do, if you’re doing the right things and not getting the results you want then it’s sensible to try medication. Not all medication upsets the gut and there’s loads of different medications for diabetes.

If there’s changes you can realistically make and stick to to improve your a1c then yes hold off and try that, but if there’s not then why say no to trying medication to lower your risk of complications?

Can you give us an idea of what an average day's food looks like to see if there is much wriggle room in your diet for further cuts that we might suggest low carb alternatives etc. Ie what is a typical breakfast, lunch and evening meal for you? Any snacks or fruit and what about drinks?
Knowing where you are with your diet now, gives us some idea of how realistic it might be to reduce and sustain your levels without medication or if you are one of those who need a bit of extra help via medication. There is no shame in that. Some people can manage remission but it isn't possible for everyone.
Don't let other people's bad experience of meds put you off. You might be absolutely fine with whatever you are prescribed provided you take it according to the advice on the Patient Information Leaflet. And if you have an adverse effect, that doesn't settle down after a week or so, then you can stop taking it and try something else. This is not a one time only decision, there are options. This time of year is harder to maintain lower levels, so maybe that is a factor to consider. 50 isn't a bad result and certainly a level that doesn't necessitate medication in my opinion but if you have given low carb a go and given weight loss a go and can't sustain your levels through that then maybe consider giving meds a go. Only you will know if you have let your diet slip a bit recently..... totally understandable if it has, so no judgement here. I certainly have had the odd treat the last few weeks, but I am fortunate to have insulin to cover it.
Thanks for that, I don't really have an average food day , but you've made me wonder if rethinking all my food again is the way to go , maybe test before and after I eat to see if something is catching me out. The one time I'm always over 7. is first thing in the morning but can't do alot about that one.
Thankyou for all your replies I've calmed down abit this morning I'm going to write down my food for myself test before and after I eat and see if I've missed anything. And possibly try and isolate any trigger foods.
I can't get my head around Medication so I'm giving this another shot and see were I go. If my reading just go up then I may need to reconsider
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