Advice most welcome

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louise rosa

Relationship to Diabetes
Please i need all the help and advice...My husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2011....After long illness of going in and out of hospital for many years he has also been diagnosed with anxiety and stress in Jan of 2012 he was rushed into hospital with pneumonia he was put on very strong antibiotics through drip he has had side effects with use of them the top of his head went very spongy..he is slowly getting their....its been real struggle for him with many health problems nearly 19 years ago he damaged his back he has 4 damaged vertebraes....Through his diabetes he has hardly any feeling in his left foot....We are having difficulty keeping GP appointments i have phoned GP many times spoke to secretary and Gp and mentioned the difficulty my hubby is having attending appointments to see diabetes nurse and for boold to be taken..The secretary was very heplful and said we need to do something about this and docter should help you and work with you both and send Nurse to see your hubby as he cannot make his appointments..My fella has difficulty in walking and driving.. But the docters and not being helpful at all and are threatening to stoop my hubbys medication unless he attends his appointments..Please any advice is much appreciated...Thanks louise
Hi Louise, this is awful, your poor husband :( Can I suggest you contact the Diabetes UK Careline service? The contact details are on the following link:

Hopefully, they will be able to tell you how to get your husband better care. Might it be possible to change surgeries and get a new doctor?
Thank you very much for your advice..Yes we have considered changing GPs the only one close to us is one that is linked to our GP.....
The next closest GP is 10 miles away from us as i do not drive myself etc think it can be difficult for us...
That's a shame :( My only advice would be to write to the practice manager documenting the problems you have been experiencing. There also ought to be a complaints procedure via your surgery's CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) - there used to be a national organisation you could go to, but now you have to g to the one in your area. As an example, this is the one in my area:

I googled 'southampton ccg complaints' to find the link.
Hi and welcome Luisa Rosa - hope you can get it sorted soon (((hugs)))
Sorry to hear this! Do your surgery not do home visits? Mine do ONLY if you're too physically poorly to get to the surgery and by the sounds of it, your husband is. Really hope this gets sorted soon for you!
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Hi Luisa Rosa. Is there a volunteer driver scheme near you? You might be able to find it on your local hospital web pages. They are often able to help people get to appointments for a small fee. Up here it's £5 for a return journey and I'm in the process of being registered with ours.
Sorry to hear this! Do your surgery not do home visits? Mine do ONLY if you're too physically poorly to get to the surgery and by the sounds of it, your husband is. Really hope this gets sorted soon for you!
Thank you for reply....ive asked for home visit asked for surgery if they can send nurse to take my hubbys bloods as he is to ill to attend they refuse and say they dont send nurses out....
Hi Luisa Rosa. Is there a volunteer driver scheme near you? You might be able to find it on your local hospital web pages. They are often able to help people get to appointments for a small fee. Up here it's £5 for a return journey and I'm in the process of being registered with ours.
Im unsure about this if they offer this...But if one is not physically fit to attend appointments then you would think docters would be more caring and do their best to help their ill patients and do home visit......
My hubby had blood test appointment booked for Friday 8th Jan he was to ill to attend i called the surgery to explain i did call them 2 and halfs hours before his appointment was due...i explained it all to receptionist she said she will have word with the GP and they will call me back... i did mention that his blood test is important and how can we sort this and that he has his diabetes appointment booked to see diabetes nurse for Fri 15th jan as the docter has threatened that if my hubby does not attend his appointment that they will stop all of his medication...I never heard back form GP ...i dont know what else to do as seems im being ignored....
I have kept the docters informed about my hubbys his health etc...So its not like they dont know.....
That's a shame :( My only advice would be to write to the practice manager documenting the problems you have been experiencing. There also ought to be a complaints procedure via your surgery's CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) - there used to be a national organisation you could go to, but now you have to g to the one in your area. As an example, this is the one in my area:

I googled 'southampton ccg complaints' to find the link.
Thank you
Im unsure about this if they offer this...But if one is not physically fit to attend appointments then you would think docters would be more caring and do their best to help their ill patients and do home visit......
When I broke my femur I had a home visit from a doctor, I would like to know how they can justify insisting that you attend if you are physically incapable :( Surely there are lots of people who have to have home visits? Sorry you are having to deal with this, things are difficult enough! :(
When I broke my femur I had a home visit from a doctor, I would like to know how they can justify insisting that you attend if you are physically incapable :( Surely there are lots of people who have to have home visits? Sorry you are having to deal with this, things are difficult enough! :(
Thank you.....Things are very difficult enough... They are just being so unreasonable we are so very stressed with it all....
I will be phoning the GP surgery first thing Monday morning lets see whats happens.......Thank you everyone for your advice
Good luck tomorrow Louise Rosa
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