Advice is a pump much better for a type 111c than basal bolus?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Seriously thinking about asking my pancreatic surgeon to refer me for a pump. my bg are always erratic. I can have a hypo sometimes when I'm above 5. Basically I have 10% of my pancreas left after major surgery. Exocrine deficiency also on creon. Can anyone advise me from personal experience is it worth the switch. Thanks in advance.
Hi there @Hepato-pancreato

Absolutely. Go for it. it is a learning curve, but I wouldn't want to be without my pump. Pumping does let you forget occasionally that you have diabetes! 🙂

If you have any specific questions - ask away in public or start a conversation with me.
Thanks for the quick response. Much appreciated I can see from your profile you have a similar circumstance to myself apart from suffering from the big c. I have been advised by my pain specialist that it possibly would be good for me. Main question is how good is it at getting blood glucose as steady as possible?
. Main question is how good is it at getting blood glucose as steady as possible?

Welcome to the forum 🙂
With a pump you only get out of it what you put in, so plenty of hard work and you reap the rewards. Pumps are a lot of hard work and def not plug and play. Bottom line is the pump only delivers what you tell it.
I have been T1 since 1966 (England). I adore my pump. So adaptable to the individual & I have never been unemployed in my life. Am on my 3rd pump & would not give it back. Good luck 🙂
Welcome to the forum 🙂
With a pump you only get out of it what you put in, so plenty of hard work and you reap the rewards. Pumps are a lot of hard work and def not plug and play. Bottom line is the pump only delivers what you tell it.
Totally agree with @pumpersue.
It's not a quick fix - even with cgm sensors as I have.
There is no getting away from it - keeping your bg stable is hard work, however you do it.
I'm a 3c and started on a pump in March. It has reduced my stress levels enormously regarding my BGs. It's worth the effort in my opinion.
I'm a 3c and started on a pump in March. It has reduced my stress levels enormously regarding my BGs. It's worth the effort in my opinion.
After the first couple of weeks & when they are "Tuned" to you they are the best up to now. Good for you Ref, am pleased for you. Wild horses would not get my pump 😉:D
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