Advice/help needed - Missed off Vaccine List Scotland

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Wondering if anyone else has been left off the vaccine list? I’d heard nothing and contacted the NHS via the missed vaccination letter online form (I live in Scotland so it’s a different system to England), was told I hadn’t been added to the priority list, they were going to investigate it and If I didn’t hear from them or the health board in a week I should contact the help line number. After a week of waiting and no contact, I called the number and just got told to be patient and call back in a couple of days. I know they’re super busy, completely understand but I just can’t help but feel left behind especially now people without conditions are getting their vaccine dates. Wondering has anyone else been left out?

I’ve only just seen in my searches online that those with diabetes in England can phone straight up to get an appointment but as far as I can tell there’s nothing of the sort in Scotland.
I am in the extremely vulnerable group but never received a letter. That didn’t bother me as I’m retired, didn’t need the priority shopping slot or the grocery parcel. But as the vaccinations started to roll out I thought I’d better check with the GP. Yes, I’d slipped through the net. It took a week or so to enter the “ special” code on my file and I got my jab mid Feb as Boris decreed. Worth persevering I would say. Good luck. PS I am in England.
I haven’t received a letter. My surgery put up a notice on their Facebook page stating that they were contacting those in group 6 via text. So I waited a couple of weeks as I realise it’s a huge group. Then my husband, no underlying health problems got a letter, which irked me, plus people I knew weren’t in group 6 were getting jabs. Surgery wouldn’t accept calls re Covid jabs just said wait to be contacted, or check online. So I went onto the government booking site, put in postcode and my NHS number and got an appointment for a few days later.

I got a text from the surgery just as I was going out for jab.

I don’t know how the system works in Scotland, but it may be worth seeing if you can book online. Good luck.
Same as @Lisa66 my husband over 50 with no health conditions got invite for jab but i in group 6 never heard a thing from my GP. In the end i booked my jab this week at one of the large hubs as i am over 50 so able to book on age basis. Glad i didn't wait for Gp contact which may never have come or been delayed due to vaccine supply problems.
Sorry to hear about the mix-up with your vaccination @Laura1 :(

Is this something you can follow-up with your GP?

And welcome to the forum!
Sorry to hear about the mix-up with your vaccination @Laura1 :(

Is this something you can follow-up with your GP?

And welcome to the forum!

It’s nice to see in the replies I wasn’t the only one. It’s tricky because in Scotland it works a bit differently we don’t get letter with a code to book an appointment, the letter has a date, time and location they pick for you which I’ve heard can be given even just two days before your appointment so it’s all quite dependent on computers to allocate. It’s up to my NHS health board not my doctors to investigate and eventually give me an appointment but I’ve been told they are too busy and getting more staff in to handle it so to just bear with them. I seem to just have to wait, I knew there’s not much anyone else can do which is why I wrote on the forum, it was a good way to write my frustration out when there’s nothing else that can be done. thanks for the welcome!
Same as @Lisa66 my husband over 50 with no health conditions got invite for jab but i in group 6 never heard a thing from my GP. In the end i booked my jab this week at one of the large hubs as i am over 50 so able to book on age basis. Glad i didn't wait for Gp contact which may never have come or been delayed due to vaccine supply problems.
What a nightmare, glad you got booked in now! Wish we had a booking system here rather than allocation, seems I’ll be waiting a while for my health board to work it out.
I haven’t received a letter. My surgery put up a notice on their Facebook page stating that they were contacting those in group 6 via text. So I waited a couple of weeks as I realise it’s a huge group. Then my husband, no underlying health problems got a letter, which irked me, plus people I knew weren’t in group 6 were getting jabs. Surgery wouldn’t accept calls re Covid jabs just said wait to be contacted, or check online. So I went onto the government booking site, put in postcode and my NHS number and got an appointment for a few days later.

I got a text from the surgery just as I was going out for jab.

I don’t know how the system works in Scotland, but it may be worth seeing if you can book online. Good luck.
Glad you got one in the end, it’s hard to get contact for problems, Scotland has online forms and a phone number only and they keep telling me to wait for my health board to investigate and allocate me an appointment, I hope it’s soon all I can say!
I am in the extremely vulnerable group but never received a letter. That didn’t bother me as I’m retired, didn’t need the priority shopping slot or the grocery parcel. But as the vaccinations started to roll out I thought I’d better check with the GP. Yes, I’d slipped through the net. It took a week or so to enter the “ special” code on my file and I got my jab mid Feb as Boris decreed. Worth persevering I would say. Good luck. PS I am in England.
I hope they get back to everyone they’re missing out, we obviously noticed but I hate to think there’s some people out there vulnerable but not willing to reach out for fear of bothering anyone, my grandparents used to be like that. I’ll keep persevering, can’t wait to have it!
Type 1 diabetic here so meant to be in the priority group already contacted, I was however missed off the vaccine list (nhs Scotland). After hearing nothing, I contacted 0800 030 8013 a while ago and was told to fill in the missing vaccination letter form. A week after filling it in I got an email confirming for the second time I’d been missed and and my local health board (nhs forth valley) would investigate and if I heard nothing in a week then to phone back. After a week I phoned back and was told I’m still not there and to be patient and phone back on Wednesday. I phoned back today and found out still I’m not on the system. At this point I thought they may escalate my case or do something but I was told the phone number service can do nothing but check if I was on the system. I was then told again to be patient and phone back again next Monday.

I wanted to ask again if anyone had any advice for nhs Scotland. England’s system I know is so different and very handy but cannot help me - there’s no direct booking for vulnerable here like in England. The gp’s have no jurisdiction and the health board has no contact info only the help line and the online form I have already contacted. I waited well past when I should have to contact them the first time because I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time so now it’s very late. I heard some other people were left off the list but their cases were investigated and they were given appointments and vaccines within a week. I feel a bit hopeless now, it gets upsetting every time they tell me to be patient for just a few more days, I get my hopes up for nothing.

Exhausted and feeling left behind now, I hope I hear anything soon.
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Hi Laura1 For Scotland have you tried calling 0800 030 8013 or googling NHSinform Missing Appointments on the NHS National Services Scotland website? I've heard of many successes but these were for people in their 50s who were missed recently due to an appointment/mail issue. Good luck.
Unless you're in a clinically vulnerable group it does seem like the majority are being undertaken in age bands and not always in strict date order. Not sure which area you live in or how old you are but it does seem a bit random too. Hoping you get sorted soon.
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