Admission Time I'm now Type 1

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hi sharp x you know you can come here anytime will all look after one another since you have came onto this forum you have made me smile you know that after the PMS we had , can i just ask what you mean when you say we are going to suffer??
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Hi Sharpwaa, sorry to hear that the insulin looms but hopefully it won't take you too long to get used to it - and it should give you a bit more flexibility with the Thprnton's 'menu'! I don't personally find the injections a bother - they are far less painful than fingerpricks. The main difficulty is getting the doses sorted with all the myriad factors involved! Eventually though, it becomes easier with familiar foods and situations.

If there's ever any way we can help, just holler!🙂

p.s. hope you find the dog soon.
Sharpwaa, do you mean you are a type 2 who is now going on insulin?
Hi Sharpwaa - can i ask what you mean by you are now type 1?

If you were type 2 but have now been put onto insulin, youre still type 2. Doesnt make a lot of difference, jabs are jabs, but the difference between the 2 types is the cause of your pancreas packing up rather than the treatment you end up on.

Its all a bit confusing . . . :(

ohh sorry i thought you were blaming me !
Responding to Katie and Viki, Quite simply the old pancreas doesn't work terribly well any more, been chugging away with a blown gasket for years now, I'm not sure about this, so don't quote me, but it's degredation in my case seem's to have been hastened by having to resort to gliclazide. Dunnoe?
It was going to happen anyway, my whole family are diabetic hypertensives, but boy!!! Do we like a good time!!!:D

Yes, I've heard that gliclazide works by encouraging the pancreas to produce more insulin, thus wearing it out quicker! Do you know what insulin you will be using and how often you will be injecting? I think some Type 2s just have a basal/background insulin.
Suffer! What do you mean suffer? You're not going to sing are you?

Seriously though. You're not having a good day are you? I'm so sorry, but hope the insulin will help you feel better soon. Maybe now you're off the pills, the neuropathy will improve, I'm not sure how these things work but iI hope it does.
What type of insulin will you be using? Often type 2's will start on basal only insulin.

I hope that it works out for you, I love that insulin gives me such good control and flexibility in my diet. You will still be a type 2 just using insulin treatment for control.
I didn't know lente was still avaliable, which company makes it?
I wonder why you are on lente and lantus seems an odd combination, what was the explanation you were given?
Responding to Katie and Viki, Quite simply the old pancreas doesn't work terribly well any more, been chugging away with a blown gasket for years now, I'm not sure about this, so don't quote me, but it's degredation in my case seem's to have been hastened by having to resort to gliclazide. Dunnoe?
It was going to happen anyway, my whole family are diabetic hypertensives, but boy!!! Do we like a good time!!!:D

Sharpwaa - sorry to hear your latest news - quite understand your diary entry too! Anyhow just to let you know I met up with an old friend this afternoon who has been Type 2 diabetic for a long time and was very poorly controlled. She went on to insulin (mix of short and long acting) 4 or 5 times a day about a year ago. She now wishes she had taken the plunge far earlier - her glucose levels are much more controlled, she has more flexibility with her diet, her "aches and pains" (her words) have not continued to get any worse and, in fact, a little better and she has been able to lose some weight for the first time in years. Took her a little while to get her head round her new regime but now she is confidently taking exotic holiday cruises in her stride. She's just had major surgery for something not diabetes related and recovered much better than when she had her hip done two years ago. Realise her story may not be typical but if you had seen how terrified she was of the deterioration in her insulin production then it was a real pleasure to see her on the up

By the way, 5 of us met up, 3 of us are Type 2 diabetics but - as is sometimes the way of the world - the two who aren't diabetics knew more about what we "shouldn't" eat than those of us with the disease. Perhaps it was because there were only a few biscuits on that plate - and the "sweetones" could do without?
Hi Sharpwaa

As crazy as it sounds I'd rather be Type 1 than Type 2. Nothing against Type 2's, but Type 1's do have a lot more flexibility. Yeah ok we need to take injections, but if I fancy a snack or something really sweet I just need to take extra fast acting insulin to cover it.

I'm a diabetic with a VERY sweet tooth and I'm so glad for rapid acting insulin :D

Never heard of Lente, but did a quick Google and found it's an intermediate acting insulin that gets to work 2-4 hours after injection.

Good luck, and hope you get the hang of it all soon.

Oh!!! Sherabonnnnn!! How I love yewwww!!! Aaahh! What do you mean I'll never make it as a night club singer!!?? I've just pressed my purple valour flared suit, polished my Cpt James T Kirk , white, zip up ancle boot's, and adjusted my thoroughly unconvincing nylon ginger wig at a rakish angle!!:D

the images it conjures up!! good to hear from you again ! did you find the dog?
Hi Sharpwaa - sorry to hear your latest news although, from what other posters are saying, it may turn out to be not as awful as you first suspected.

Can you give us a chorus of "Donald where's yer troosers" next please?? :D

*cunning plan to keep Sharpwaa posting by giving regular requests!! :D

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OMG it's me oor the back!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Vanessa, is it ok if my exotic cruise is an out and back from Scarborough? I can do my club singer act and cut it short because 'I'm on pills for me nerves!' x x:D

As long as it is a sunny day and the cliffs are not in danger of falling into the bay then Scarborough it is - can I wave you off from the spa? Promise I won't join in the singing as it is a very unpleasant experience for others
This thread has made my afternoon -- one of the funniest ever! Sharpwaa, I'm sorry about your news. But the old 'door closing - window opening' thing may just be okay in this case. I do hope so for you.

And I LOVE your singing! Don't pay attention to what the others say...
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