Additive claims to be the boss of sugar, benefiting diabetics

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes can affect how your body uses blood glucose, commonly called blood sugar. Glucose is the brain's main source of fuel and provides critical energy for the cells. If you have diabetes, it means that eating too many carbohydrates can spike blood sugar, leading to health issues.

But what if there was a natural product that effectively reduced blood sugar and calories and could be added to the food supply? That's the premise behind Emulin, a patented formulation of compounds found in fruits, like grapefruit and berries.,0,2883490.story
I like 'The Bottom Line'. Very sensible !
I like 'The Bottom Line'. Very sensible !

Indeed - very sensible 🙂 I love the way the manufacturer's claims are based on a one week study of 40 people, funded by the company itself and with no independent verification of results....🙄
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