adapting to others meals

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well here I am with my mum and step dad in Tasmania.Generally they eat healthily but not in a way that is good for me. Breakfast is a plate full of fruit and half an hour later porridge or toast or crumpets and I got myself some greek yogurt ( they do buckets of the stuff out here) and oats and I have a portion of fruit with it. They dont have lunch but I have to and that ends up usually being peanut butter on seeded bread as the fridge is full of left overs that are...ahem...not sure how old and cooked meat passed its sell by date!!!! At least I know the peanut butter was churned in a health store! Dinner is hap hazard but I have cooked some myself so at lease some of the time they have been ok! Since I had hypos on 80mg glicizide over in melbourne I made the decision that since over her ein Tassie they are heavily carb based it would be better to take at least halve the dose of glicozide and this is working out well. But today we had quiche with nothing! followed by christmas pud and cream...and some chocolate and a piece of fudge oh well....I was a saint on Christmas Eve was 9.8 tonight hrs after eating which all things considering is not much to write home about! And it avoids arguments! Back to Melbourne on 9th Jan.
Yes, I found the majority of different countries are very carb heavy.
That was a great driver in my goal of reversing my diabetes, instead of trying for diet control.

At to meat, at least you have sell by dates.
I use my nose, and if, after the overheated market stall owner has waved the flies off the meat lying in the sun, chopped some bits off, and I've taken it home eventually, I'll eat it as long as it looks ok.
(Not my picture, but close enough)


And to be honest, many people can get to 10, so an odd 9.8 shouldn't be a
Well here I am with my mum and step dad in Tasmania.Generally they eat healthily but not in a way that is good for me. Breakfast is a plate full of fruit and half an hour later porridge or toast or crumpets and I got myself some greek yogurt ( they do buckets of the stuff out here) and oats and I have a portion of fruit with it. They dont have lunch but I have to and that ends up usually being peanut butter on seeded bread as the fridge is full of left overs that are...ahem...not sure how old and cooked meat passed its sell by date!!!! At least I know the peanut butter was churned in a health store! Dinner is hap hazard but I have cooked some myself so at lease some of the time they have been ok! Since I had hypos on 80mg glicizide over in melbourne I made the decision that since over her ein Tassie they are heavily carb based it would be better to take at least halve the dose of glicozide and this is working out well. But today we had quiche with nothing! followed by christmas pud and cream...and some chocolate and a piece of fudge oh well....I was a saint on Christmas Eve was 9.8 tonight hrs after eating which all things considering is not much to write home about! And it avoids arguments! Back to Melbourne on 9th Jan.
Can you get some cheese and eggs and salad to have for lunch and if you have had some christmas pud politely say no to chocolate and fudge.
Offering to cook dinner seems like a good option to make things more suitable.
I'm sure there must be a good selection of veg and salads where you are.
There is masses of stuff I could get and do but do not have the transport to get there and buy it. Further more they insist on buying everything and me not paying a penny. Very set in their ways! They want to use everything in the fridge left over before they buy more....and they are not short of a bob or two! I was asked to 'warm' up cooked chicken 7 days old! At this I said not unless you want food poisoning...and they wonder why they get dicky tummies!
Where as when I am at my sons house I have a car and can nip to the store and get anything I need. I will be just having to sit this one out til I get back to Melbourne.
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