Adaptations to clothing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This has been prompted by a blog by G3m, where she talked about cutting a hole in her jeans to accommodate her pump. I hope that she will give a better description and possibly some pictures.

For me it was trying to avoid the tubing pulling when I had my pump in the pocket of a dressing gown. Okay I could make sure I wrapped it the best way depending on which side the cannula was, but then I made a buttonhole on each side of the dressing gown just above the pocket, so that I could just hang the pouch on the inside of the dressing gown. Worked well.

Anyone else got an adaptation that they have made?
I have several skirts that I have slit the seam in the pocket to give a small gap (reinforced top and bottom to stop it fraying) so I can have the pump in my pocket and the tubing going stright to my cannula-without having the tubing out and up to my waistband, we're it can get caught!
Ive also sewed a number of hooks (from hook and eye fastenings) down the edge of a zip down the side of a sleeveless dress-so the tubing came out of the sleeve hole, was caught in the hooks down the side of the dress so it didnt flap, and to the pump in its holder attached to the belt.
Just sits in my jeans pocket 🙂. When on motorbike & peddle bike on waste clip 🙂 Sorry no tips
This has been prompted by a blog by G3m, where she talked about cutting a hole in her jeans to accommodate her pump. I hope that she will give a better description and possibly some pictures.

For me it was trying to avoid the tubing pulling when I had my pump in the pocket of a dressing gown. Okay I could make sure I wrapped it the best way depending on which side the cannula was, but then I made a buttonhole on each side of the dressing gown just above the pocket, so that I could just hang the pouch on the inside of the dressing gown. Worked well.

Anyone else got an adaptation that they have made?

Not really an adaptation of clothing... but since the first year I have been using an elasticated cotton-wrapped hair scrunchie as a belt clip adapter. It allows my pump to sit horizontally on my belt (hanging vertically always dug in) and also, because of the elastication, allows me to slide my pump left or right to avoid seat belt or whatever and means I can tilt the screen toward me to see it better without having to unclip.

Old pic - but you get the idea...
Oh - the clip on the Combo skin enables you to wear it in any direction and slide on a waistband or belt 'at will'. If you don't like it at the angle you've put it, just click it round to the next one till you do like it.

The Insight clip is a deal more 'solid' though - and people do say it isn't very robust in use. So I haven't bothered with it very much and use a 'bra hanger' instead, with the pouch on the inside of my garment - in a dress I'd hang it, funnily enough LOL - on the side of my bra. Otherwise if it's trousers with a pocket, it goes in the pocket NP.
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