Acronym help please!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Being reasonably new to this I keep comming across the acronym DSN in the posts and I am struggling to get it. I have tried an acronym finder which gave so many suggestions it took me half an hour to check them all out and I still don't get it 😱 its probably really simple too 🙂 can someone put me out of my misery please?

This may be a stupid question too, but again, I would like to know the answer,
background; I get a terrible thirst and usually a can of diet juice will stop it for a little while, I have disciplined myself to make the can last for at least half an hour and not to drink any more for another half an hour, but, and here is the question, am I doing myself any harm drinking so much diet juice, occassionally I will alternate with ice water however I tend to drink a lot of fluids? (never alcohol). So other than having to pee a lot am I doing any damage elsewhere?
Thanks again!
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it is not DSN jimbo? if so thats means diabetic specilist nurse.As far as i know drinking water is good i do it every day and i get through 2+ litres hun, as for diet juice i dont know ive cut that out.
Do you mean DSN? If so it's Diabetes Specialist Nurse.

Generally drinking a lot should be ok, but if you're diabetic being very thirsty could be a sign that you're blood glucose levels are very high. Are you testing your bloods at the moment?

Worth also checking the contents of the diet juice to see if it has a carb content or not, some have no carbs but other do contain some so if that's pushing your levels up then the thirst could be a bit of a vicious cycle.
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If you mean DSN, it stands for diabetes specialist nurse.
Hi Jimbo, I think you mean DSN, which stands for 'Diabetes Specialist Nurse'. These are terrific and knowledgeable people, often much better informed than doctors and usually much better communicators.

Regarding the drinks, as your levels improve you will feel less thirsty and have fewer visits to the loo. I don't think there's any harm in drinking a lot of diet drink (unless you have a problem with the additives). Higher sugar levels will make you pee regardless of how much you drink, but drinking more will help prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Plain tap water is probably best🙂
p,s. I can't believe so many people replied ahead of me whilst I was typing!🙄
DNS could mean Domain Name System. Clickable link to Wikipedia entry.

I suspect you meant DSN and the others have given you the answer.

You need a faster keyboard Northerner...:D
DSN... It's a case of NABA (Not Another Bloody Acronym) isn't it? DSN means Diabetes Specialist Nurse.
Hi, others have told you what DSN is.

I have cut out fruit juice for thirst as it makes me feel more thirsty than before I drank it. It pushes the sugars up too high. If I am very thirsty I go for water or diet lemonade or diet coke.

The thirst wil ease as your sugar levels get to a more normal range, but everyone (even no diabetics) are advised to drink two litres of water a day. Plenty of fluids helps to maintain normal kidney function and plain water helps the system keep itself clean.
it is not DSN jimbo? if so thats means diabetic specilist nurse.As far as i know drinking water is good i do it every day and i get through 2+ litres hun, as for diet juice i dont know ive cut that out.

Well spotted, :D I wish I could type as well as I can talk or think :D
and thank you, now the posts make sense.
Do you mean DSN? If so it's Diabetes Specialist Nurse.

Generally drinking a lot should be ok, but if you're diabetic being very thirsty could be a sign that you're blood glucose levels are very high. Are you testing your bloods at the moment?

Worth also checking the contents of the diet juice to see if it has a carb content or not, some have no carbs but other do contain some so if that's pushing your levels up then the thirst could be a bit of a vicious cycle.

I don't test personally at the moment, however I hope to be after this visit to the DSN on monday.
The diet juice I drink does not have carbs, I have always drank a lot of fluid everyday, infact since I was about 14 I have been drinking at least 2 litres a day.
Only in the last 10-15 years I have been drinking diet juice, usually diet coke, and semi skimmed milk now I come to think of it to help slow down my weight gain. (Not that it helped I was such a pig) 😱

I got caught out with milk

Before I started on Insulin a year ago I drank at least 2 litres of skimmed milk daily, my readings kept going up and up, then I found out about milk containing carbs

I got caught out with milk

Before I started on Insulin a year ago I drank at least 2 litres of skimmed milk daily, my readings kept going up and up, then I found out about milk containing carbs

Thanks Hazel, I will not be drinking as much milk as before (about a litre a day) I will now only be drinking what is in my breakfast cereal of Cheerio's(not sure how much but will measure and adjust as necessary).
Either that or train myself to eat the brown brillo pads (weetabix, euch!) I dare say I could try porridge again, fortunately I always favoured salt over sugar or jam as a flavouring for it. But haven't enjoyed it for 40 years or more, due to eating too much of it as a child.
I really need to re-train my taste buds :D
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