Aching legs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have recently started to have problems with my legs they are constantly aching as though I have lack of circulation going to them and a couple of times I have had cramp in them at night, could this be related to diabetes?
Are you drinking enough water and having enough salt? It could be the hot weather contributing. I’ve had cramp at night more often than normal. You can buy magnesium gel to rub in that might help. But if you’re struggling then do have a word with your GP. They can check your circulation.
Yes, this can be caused by diabetes.

I developed a thigh pain last March that got worse and I ended up being unable to sleep due to cramps/aches in my legs (I'd wake up in agony, literally screaming in pain.) As soon as I got up and walked around the pains went away. (Gp said it was 'wear and tear') Spent a lot of time sitting downstairs in the early hours drinking tea and watching Star Trek on Netflix as I couldn't sleep.

Anyway, two weeks after diagnosis of T2D (August) and a low-carb diet the pain reduced dramatically (Pretty much went away) and I could sleep again (Six or so months without sleep probably did not help.). I did get a weird 'itching' on my legs when I sat down that slowly faded away over the following three to four months. I also had a lot of weird bone clicking and could see my muscles pulsing.

It's all gone now and I feel back to normal.

Not sure what was going on there (Proximal neuropathy sounds close, at least the thigh pain aspect ) but the GPs didn't seem interested and the Diabetic nurse just shrugged when I told her and said "It can happen." She did some checks and said I had a strong pulse in my feet ("They're in better condition than mine!"), but to tell them if it happened again.

The fact it went away so quickly as soon as I started low-carb does indicate that it was a consequence of high blood sugar.

How are you blood sugars?
I suspect that leg hair or absence of it is a good indicator of the state of the blood supply to feet.
I suspect that leg hair or absence of it is a good indicator of the state of the blood supply to feet.

I'm so hairy I could be in Planet of the Apes and not need any makeup down there. (Yes, lack of hair is an indication of poor bloody supply.)
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