Achey, tired

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all. I've always been fit and active, mostly vegetarian. But since my LADA dx 6 months ago, I've just felt achey and tired. Just a low continuous level hum of headache, hurting joints, etc. Some days are better than others, and I still push myself to stay active and do things. I thought when I was first diagnosed, that once I got my BS more consistently within range (which I have, 4-9), I would feel like my old self. But I'm still not, and I'm getting quite tired of feeling this way. I keep thinking, I've never been diabetic before, I don't know what it's supposed to feel like. Is this usual? Thoughts? I'm a former critical care nurse, and these are the thoughts I've come up with: 1) the statins I was put on when diagnosed are causing my aches. They improved when the GP switched me and decreased my dose (from 20 mg atorvastatin to 10 mg simvastatin), but still there. 2) This is normal to feel achey and tired when you have diabetes 3) I've developed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which I've read occurs sometimes in conjunction with diabetes. I don't want to bother the GP, but I am keen to feel good again.
Hello and welcome. 🙂

You need to see the doc, that's what they are there for really. Could be anything! I hope you feel good again soon.
Hello and welcome. 🙂

You need to see the doc, that's what they are there for really. Could be anything! I hope you feel good again soon.
So it's not just normal to feel this way when you have diabetes? I've reviewed posts on this forum, and I see people with these complaints when they've had bad hypos. But that's not the case with me.
I couldn't say. Nothing about me is normal. :D Somebody will be able to advise you.
So it's not just normal to feel this way when you have diabetes? I've reviewed posts on this forum, and I see people with these complaints when they've had bad hypos. But that's not the case with me.
I would definitely speak to your G P as it could be a multitude of things not related to the diabetes, for example Vit B12 or folate deficiency or anaemia all of which can be checked out with a blood test and treated if found to be low.
It is absolutely NOT just a standard result of diabetes. Could be as simple as no statin suiting your body (which is possible) or something entirely different, perhaps as suggested by @Leadinglights - or summat else entirely - so Oh yes you do definitely need to see your GP.
I took Atorvastatin and Metformin for maybe 5 weeks and it took a considerable time to recover. I do tend to have extreme reactions to just about everything prescribed, but if you are unlucky - and still taking statins, it could possibly be permanent.
I’d rule out 2) - it’s not normal to feel achy and tired when you have diabetes. As you said your aches improved with the statin adjustment, I’d look at that first. You could change types or see if you need a supplement to help (is it CoQ10?)?

Your GP can rule out any thyroid issues. My final thought is that it could be your insulin(s) if it’s none of the above things and the GP has ruled out other causes. Some people simply don’t get on with analogue insulins, and Lantus is one that some people don’t tolerate.
Hi all. I've always been fit and active, mostly vegetarian. But since my LADA dx 6 months ago, I've just felt achey and tired. Just a low continuous level hum of headache, hurting joints, etc. Some days are better than others, and I still push myself to stay active and do things. I thought when I was first diagnosed, that once I got my BS more consistently within range (which I have, 4-9), I would feel like my old self. But I'm still not, and I'm getting quite tired of feeling this way. I keep thinking, I've never been diabetic before, I don't know what it's supposed to feel like. Is this usual? Thoughts? I'm a former critical care nurse, and these are the thoughts I've come up with: 1) the statins I was put on when diagnosed are causing my aches. They improved when the GP switched me and decreased my dose (from 20 mg atorvastatin to 10 mg simvastatin), but still there. 2) This is normal to feel achey and tired when you have diabetes 3) I've developed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which I've read occurs sometimes in conjunction with diabetes. I don't want to bother the GP, but I am keen to feel good again.
Hello! I was prescribed atorvastatin and then simvastatin, I forget in which order, and felt totally exhausted, and yes, achey, from being a very mentally active person. Mostly I was exhausted. THEN I was told that my cholesterol was mostly "good" cholesterol and I didn't really need statins at all, it was just that they like diabetics to be on statins as a preventative! That was maybe eight years ago and I still have "good" cholesterol, so I suspect that my body knows best. Lack of Vitamin D is a definite avenue to explore, and is inexpensive.
It is absolutely NOT just a standard result of diabetes. Could be as simple as no statin suiting your body (which is possible) or something entirely different, perhaps as suggested by @Leadinglights - or summat else entirely - so Oh yes you do definitely need to see your GP.
I think that's what I needed to know more than anything on this thread.... if it's a realistic goal to feel good again when I have diabetes. I didn't know what was usual !
I’d rule out 2) - it’s not normal to feel achy and tired when you have diabetes. As you said your aches improved with the statin adjustment, I’d look at that first. You could change types or see if you need a supplement to help (is it CoQ10?)?

Your GP can rule out any thyroid issues. My final thought is that it could be your insulin(s) if it’s none of the above things and the GP has ruled out other causes. Some people simply don’t get on with analogue insulins, and Lantus is one that some people don’t tolerate.
I didn't realise that about Lantus. Don't tolerate? So they have symptoms similar to mine with it, I guess is what you're saying.
Hello! I was prescribed atorvastatin and then simvastatin, I forget in which order, and felt totally exhausted, and yes, achey, from being a very mentally active person. Mostly I was exhausted. THEN I was told that my cholesterol was mostly "good" cholesterol and I didn't really need statins at all, it was just that they like diabetics to be on statins as a preventative! That was maybe eight years ago and I still have "good" cholesterol, so I suspect that my body knows best. Lack of Vitamin D is a definite avenue to explore, and is inexpensive.
Yes, I've historically had high HDL cholesterol, and they put me on the statins when I became diabetic as a precaution. Sounds like what happened with you is happening to me... achey, exhausted even at times. So it sounds like, from what you're saying, that once you got off the statins, all that went away? Also, I've been taking Vitamin D supplements since early last year, when Covid hit. I'd heard Vitamin D is helpful for warding off the Virus.
Yes, I've historically had high HDL cholesterol, and they put me on the statins when I became diabetic as a precaution. Sounds like what happened with you is happening to me... achey, exhausted even at times. So it sounds like, from what you're saying, that once you got off the statins, all that went away? Also, I've been taking Vitamin D supplements since early last year, when Covid hit. I'd heard Vitamin D is helpful for warding off the Virus.
Yes. I stopped taking the first one within a week, was given the second and that was no better. So I simply told them I couldn't tolerate it and was admonished (gently) for a year or so. But it must have been the statins because the exhaustion went away within a few days.
I didn't realise that about Lantus. Don't tolerate? So they have symptoms similar to mine with it, I guess is what you're saying.

Yes, symptoms of tiredness, brain fog, aching limbs. But in your case, I’d think the statins were the most likely culprit, or at least the one to investigate first.
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and experiences. It's really helpful ! I have a telephone appointment with the GP on Thursday.
Please let us know how you get on.
Id say it's the thyroid condition more than anything. Though I do think having fluctuating levels or high blood levels can cause fatigue - though I think with LADA that is unlikely right now. Issues with thyroid function however will cause fatigue. I
Hope the appointment went well today @pondita

Diabetes, certainly if your BG has been well managed, shouldn’t be making you feel tired and achy.
Telephone appointment with the GP went well. They're going to order some blood tests for me. She also suggested I get off the statins for 2 weeks, as a trial to see if it makes me feel better. Thank you again, everybody.
Just to follow up with this. I did get off Statins completely, have been off since last October. Achiness and tiredness improved a little, but didn't go away completely. So now I'm being worked up for Rheumatoid Arthritis. That diagnosis ticks the boxes of how I feel, and if it turns out that I do have RA, I think I've had it since I developed Type 1 Diabetes. That the Statins and the RA together were making me feel so poorly.
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