ACE Inhibitors

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been to see my GP today, as the eczema on my hands is getting worse and making going to work very difficult. She mentioned that there was some protein in the sample that they send off and put a note to the DSN that she should consider ACE Inhibitors at my next review (blood test booked next week, appointment early next month). She explained that the protein may be the reason the eczema is not clearing up - especially as I have kept by blood levels so low. She also said it was nothing to worry about.

Well - I came home, logged on to my computer and did a bit of research on the computer, and now I am very worried! I had assumed that as the diabetes had been caught early, and has been comparatively easy to get under control, that I would have no other damage done. My next appointment seems a long way away and I feel a little lost and bewildered!

I a hoping that somebody has some insight or knowledge that can put my mind a rest. x
don't jump to any conclusions yet ! The trouble with the internet is its full of too much information a lot of it scary. The important thing is if the protein leak is caused by your Diabetes it has been detected early. ACE Inhibitors, like Ramapril, have a protective effect on the kidneys and can help stop protein leaks. There is a thread on this forum discussing it somewhere. Sadly this is not untypical of a GP, which is why I think in an ideal world all diabetics would be seen by hospital clinics. You should have had the potential reason for the leak explained and what the long term risks are. Also what the ACE Inhibitor would do and why its a good thing. All people with Diabetes Medical Training should be able to explain this to you in detail, obviously your GP did not.
Being put on an ACE Inhibitor is not a bad thing and like statins they are commonly prescribed as a precaution since even if you didn't have a protein leak they would help to ensure it did not happen in future. I have been taking them for about 2 years ( for another kidney related condition) and the only problem is remembering to take them !
I think side effects with them a pretty rare and they do a lot of good. So don't worry, really !
The same thing happened to me. My GP told me my kidneys were leaking without any explaination (i thought....aaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhh Kidney failure!! Dialysis!!!!!!) and then took a blood pressure reading and discovered, suprise suprise, that it was high!!
The nurse explained that the protien in my urine could be anything, and besides it seldom showed up on the dipstick tests and that the ramipril was precautionary. Neadless to say my kidneys havent packed in yet, i'm not on dialysis and if somebody had bothered to explain this at the time, my blood pressure would probably have been lower. You GP is clearly also a graduate of the "Henry's Cat" school of medcine (knows everything about nothing but not too much about that....sorry, if you weren't a kid in the 80s you may not know what i'm talking about). My head of department said she had to stop taking ramipril coz it made her cough, it doesn't have that effect on me and i think it's the only significant side effect. Don't worry, you're probably fine, i'm sure you're doing a great job of managing your diabetes and keep up the good work!

Thank you for your replies - I will try not to worry! It was a bullet that I thought I had dodged as my blood pressure reading was quite good along with my cholesterol result.

I will keep my fingers crossed for good results following the impending tests! x
Would advise not to jump to conclusions.

Also, many drugs out there are backed by years of research and ACE inhibitors are no exception.

They basically reduce blood pressure, reducing the pressure put on your kidneys.

It's best to talk to a health professional after you receive your results. They may be able to advise you on alternatives.

Hope it's not serious and good luck, but please stop worrying until you discuss the results.
If you're realy worried there is no harm in phoning and asking to speak to nurse or asking to bring appointment forwards a bit.
I've had protein before but there was nothing to worry about as it disappeared and other tests showed that my kidneys were in good shape. However ramipril can be good for reducing blood pressure - I had to go on it for a short amount of time but did develop the ramipril "cough" I've been advised that there are alternatives if I need a ACE inhibitor again so there is always a solution. Please try not to worry
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