Accuchek Rapid D link stuff

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have a few boxes of Rapid D Link infusion sets and cannulas, along with a bag of the blue caps. I don't use these as I didn't get on with them.

Any ideas what to do with them? Roche won't take them back and the hospital don't want them either.
The only thing I can suggest if you've got the space to hold onto them for a while or until the expiry date, is keep an eye out just in case somebody who uses that type is getting low on stock, or perhaps might want to try them out. Then arrange between the two of you posting them!

But must say I am surprised that the hospital aren't willing to take them off your hands, as surely they could use them just for demo purposes for people considering going onto a pump!

I know hubby did this with a box of needle he couldn't get on with, couldn't go back to the chemist, but our surgery DSN took them on, as she could use them for demo purposes..
The only thing I can suggest if you've got the space to hold onto them for a while or until the expiry date, is keep an eye out just in case somebody who uses that type is getting low on stock, or perhaps might want to try them out. Then arrange between the two of you posting them!

But must say I am surprised that the hospital aren't willing to take them off your hands, as surely they could use them just for demo purposes for people considering going onto a pump!

I know hubby did this with a box of needle he couldn't get on with, couldn't go back to the chemist, but our surgery DSN took them on, as she could use them for demo purposes..

That's the thing - we're having a massive clear-out and I've decided that the space that these were taking up could be better used for something else! I was hoping that someone might want them. I was surprised too but the hospital don't do the pump training themselves, they get the rep from Roche to do it, so maybe they don't have the space either.

If all else fails I will ask the pharmacist if they will dispose of them for me (at least the cannulas) because they are sharps after all. I suppose the links could go in the household rubbish. I just hate contributing unnecessarily to landfill, especially when my taxes have gone towards paying doubtless exorbitant amounts for the items!
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