AccuChek combo meter problem

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've had mine since November, just lately I keep getting "Error 57" after I've applied blood to a strip. The message displayed asks me to remove the batteries, leave them out for 20 seconds and then put them back, it then works fine. If it was just an odd occurrence I'd not worry, but it's happening with more frequency now. I will ring AccuChek on Monday - but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this with the Combo meter.
Hi Patti

I can't remember if it was "Error 57" but we did have a spate of the meter asking for batteries to be removed and then reinserted. After it happened a few times daughter told me that you don't actually have to remove the batteries, just turn it off and on again and it will work. She was right, so maybe you could try that. It was just starting to get annoying and then the problem stopped as suddenly as it started! So I never got round to phoning Accu Chek. They are usually so helpful though, if it's driving you mad then ring them as soon as you can!

(Let's hope ours doesn't decide to start playing up again now that I've said it's behaved itself for a while...)
Ahhhh... interesting that it just stopped. Could it be the batteries do you think? It's only been happening with this last set if I think about it. Thanks for the info about turning it off and on again - still wastes a strip though doesn't it?
I don't think it coincided with flat batteries, but maybe they weren't in properly? I've heard of other Accu Chek models having problems with the battery connections. I don't know why the problem stopped so suddenly either, I don't remember anything significant happening that might have stopped it! Perhaps you could try changing the batteries and see if that helps!

I agree very annoying about the wasted strip! Drives me mad when that happens, for whatever reason!

We also occasionally get a problem with the handset refusing to turn on and I have to remove and reinsert the batteries to get it to do anything. Usually when I'm out somewhere and haven't got a spare kit with me 😱 Luckily this only happens VERY occasionally though so hasn't become a major problem yet!
I don't think the batteries are anywhere near flat, but they are a different make from the ones I had previously when I wasn't having problems. I just wondered if that could have a bearing. the others I have currently are the same make as the ones in the meter.

We also occasionally get a problem with the handset refusing to turn on and I have to remove and reinsert the batteries to get it to do anything. Usually when I'm out somewhere and haven't got a spare kit with me Luckily this only happens VERY occasionally though so hasn't become a major problem yet!
How infuriating, specially when meals have been served and are going cold in front of you!
I sometimes have to "tweak" the battery terminals and then it's sorted again! 🙂
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