ACCU - CHEK spirit combo pump and Freestyle Libre used as pairs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all
Just tried a new way off using my pump this was when k19 was then more terrible , and not enough was know how it spread
so in the interest of not use blood strips for 2 days .
i used my Libre reading for general day to day reading of blood sugars knowing my basel was stable . and CARB RATIO OK
AS I USED some 180 strips per month on average .
gave it a go one thing i did find not to go below 5 on the libre meter gave a glucose bolus of about 20 gram s
and if it did go over 14 mml of blood sugar a 3 unit bolus of insulin was given work well even on walks as it can give facts fast even at night give me reading at 3 am 5 am
so another way of manage type one diabetes
now i hear that the new FREE style libre will have alarms you can set great news
vic on insulin ps most reading on adjustments act within 2 hours ref to much insulin or not enough carbs
Yes Libre 2 has been out for a while elsewhere (Germany), but still no signs that it will be released here any time soon I’m afraid.

I suppose using Libre data only, you were not able to use the Bolus Wizard on the Combo? (because that needs a fingerstick BG from the paired meter) so you were only using manually calculated doses and corrections?
yes you are correct .
but it all about the blood sugars 1 hour and 2 hours after bolus and food as long as it came down to my normal results i was ok
but i do have a problem getting insulin via my stomach steel needles due to my length of years on insulin and good sites are hard to find but say on a normal day are good but i do have say 8/9 mml sugars suddenly for no reason god up to 16 mml/20 mml ten it via pen given 2 units for every blood sugar over 10 ie if it is 15 then a bolus of 3 units of insulin will brings it back down after 2 hours thats my targets and it works for me only have a good day stay safe vic
My issue with using libre freestyle is the difference in readings from finger pricks and sensor readings. Some sensors have a difference of up to 2mmol/l. Others can be nearly the same.
To feed “correct“ information Into the pump I have to do a finger prick.
I don’t think you can completely avoid finger pricks with any CGM, but they do cut the need for them down quite a lot! We also have Libre and Combo pump. Yes you can only get a blood sugar reading into the bolus wizard by doing a finger prick, but you can use the wizard without finger prick, it will just calculate the bolus for the carbs only and won't adjust for your blood sugar.

So we only do fingerpricks at mealtimes, if she is very high and needs a correction dose, or when coming out of a hypo as often the Libre can still be reading low when blood test is back to normal.
The rest of the time we just scan, after all does it really matter if you get a 5 or a 7, they are both ok, if it says she's low and she feels low then it doesn't really matter if it's a 2 or a 3 just get your hypo treatment out!
If she boluses separately for main course and pudding, or decides she wants extra pudding, we don’t finger prick again as the pump won't do another correction that soon because it knows it's just done one, so just stick the carbs in the bolus wizard and bolus for that only.
At night if I scan her and she's high, her overnight correction factor just happens to be 1:2 so I can calculate that easily in my head and just put the number of units in rather than messing about trying to finger prick her when she’s asleep. Calculate conservatively and aim for the top end of the normal range, just in case she's not quite as high as Libre says, and then it shouldn’t drop her too far into hypo territory. Seems to work! Unless we get a reading in the 20s and then we usually double check and start investigating whether the tube has detached itself from the pump or something!
looking at your story i like your thinking and is brilliant you can adjust insulin at night without disturbing sleep
i to get high reading last year 20/25 which do send alarm bells but stay calm and i will inject 5 units to bring bolus down to 10 after 3/4 hours
well done in th last year with the help of libre i can stay under 20 vic to many years to tell 1957 start on insulin
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